The absolute distraction the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has become is undeniable. The very idea of socialized healthcare is unconstitutional on its face. The fact that the international insurance industry created the unconstitutional legislation and has seen their profits double, triple, and quadruple since the enactment thereof is proof positive as to the true intent of the legislation.
Obamacare was designed to provide healthcare subsidies to the third world populations being pumped into the United States for the sole purpose of displacing and seizing the property of American nationals and, since its enactment, the treasonous legislation has been honed through exemptions to the point that nothing is left except the largest tax to be levied upon the middle class since the socialist New Deal that was forced on the American people by the international communist Franklin Delano Roosenfelt. Continue reading “American Nationals Must Stem the Status Quo to Avert One World Slavery”