William Engdahl Explains The War In Syria; Paris Attacks: Cameraman: “Bizarre Scene,” Saw No Bodies

Listen, at a minimum, from the 20 minute mark to ~24 minutes.

Published on Nov 19, 2015 by KafkaWinstonWorld

Paris shooting “engineered” to whip up public support for bombing, and boots on ground in Syria. Subscribe to corbettreport; links are below.



3 thoughts on “William Engdahl Explains The War In Syria; Paris Attacks: Cameraman: “Bizarre Scene,” Saw No Bodies

  1. Does someone really think they’re going to get the truth of the matter out of these two crazy old Jews?

    when do we learn?

    By suggesting that no one was killed there, they’re trying to make anyone who questions the official story look like lunatics.

  2. I took some time off posting to this site because the negative reactions to the material I posted seemed out of character with the usual responses to similar postings. Let’s just say that the “out of character” responses made me sit up and pay attention.
    1. Two “old” Jews? I don’t know F.W. Engdahl’s age but Corbett is in his 30s. I’m 57, so “old” is a relative term to me.
    2. I’ve never looked to see if they are Jews. I don’t agree with everything either one if them says. I’m, appropriately, leery of everyone. Disinfo is most effective when mixed in with true factual info. I emphasized the 20-24 minute window to show that he is making a rational observation that he hadn’t seen any real evidence of dead bodies. As someone who has taken care of many people who have been shot, stabbed, etc., I have a pretty good idea what that looks like. Blood “tends” to be everywhere.
    I haven’t seen anything like that in Paris, Roseberg, Boston, Sandy Hook, etc. Am I the highest authority? No. But I do have some relevant experience. And I rarely wore gloves. (It was a different time…the mid 1980s).
    I’m just sayin’…and making an informed observation.
    3. I believe that any real honest regulars at FTTWR would not worry about “looking like lunatics” for questioning the official story. Come on! Seriously!
    I’m asking some of the regulars to confirm my view that this is a site that questions every “official” narrative. Because the “official” narrative, usually, does not pass the BS sniff test.
    4. People killed or not. That’s irrelevant to the point of this post!

  3. Everything is questionable. It’s what humanity does, from the moment we are born. The key is discernment. With experience we gain that. Depending on our experiences, our discernment makes us individually unique.

    There is never any immediate thought of how others discernment might characterize us. We ultimately rely on our own discernment. That’s what we do.

    In today’s manufactured duality’s, discernment becomes a game of chess. Everyone’s got an agenda, especially those in the greater public’s view. This was the purpose of those who would control all of us. Confusion, obfuscation, doubts, uncertainty, fear and apathy.

    Through the dumbing down of the population, the would be rulers have successfully accomplished this. The population’s IQ has truly been dramatically lowered.

    Fortunately, FTTWR readers have cut through the vaporous mindset that has been manufactured for the masses. The self-anointed rulers of humanity, as so often happens, have miscalculated again. They will wreak havoc before it’s all over, most assuredly, but man-kind will prevail ultimately. I believe American Nationals will show the rest of the planet the way to true freedom.

    In the meantime prepare yourself, spiritually and logistically. Learn all the practical knowledge possible for survival. Talk to your elders if they’re still around.

    Your brain is the ultimate weapon.


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