Honest reporter just destroyed fake news on Paris, ISIS and the NWO

Live Leak Added: 3 days ago Occurred On: Nov-16-2015
By: Bob Chum

This guy NAILS IT…a british reporter, I hope he stays safe, as he nails the proxy phony

Isis fairy tale and the globalist false flags including Paris. He’s clearly educated on the issue.

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b6c_1447660445#12u0xrKcRkzrBEyP.99

7 thoughts on “Honest reporter just destroyed fake news on Paris, ISIS and the NWO

  1. If he lives to see his next birthday, he’ll be lucky.
    Anybody else notice RT attempting to continue the FEAR by giving the talking guy a small bit-o-screen while keeping terrified people scrambling about on the bigger side of the screen?
    I thought they were above that.
    Great video that a whole planets worth of people needs to see.

  2. The video of Gearoid O’ Colmain mirrors my own sentiments of what is really going on. This whole event was so orchestrated , in such a shallow way, that anyone with an IQ above 60, should see right through the propaganda. Extending that view, everyone should see where it is all headed. World wide chaos, war, civil insurrection, then the role out of the anti-Christ and one world government. No one, from this day forward, can even imagine the horror that is coming.

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