107-year-old man killed by SWAT team in Arkansas

Darren McCollester / Getty Images / AFP Fox News

Police in Pine Bluff, Arkansas say a 107-year-old man was killed in a shootout with a SWAT team Saturday afternoon.

Investigators say that local police responded to a complaint of aggravated assault against Monroe Isadore, who allegedly pointed a gun at two people at a home on West 16th Street in Pine Bluff. When police approached the bedroom door where Isadore was holed up, he fired one shot through the door. No one was hit.  

The SWAT team was called in and negotiations with Isadore began. The SWAT team confirmed that Isadore was armed with a handgun by inserting a camera into the bedroom through a window.

After negotiations were unsuccessful, the SWAT team pumped gas in the room from outside the bedroom window, hoping that Isadore would surrender peacefully. Instead, Isador fired more shots at a SWAT entry team, who threw a “distraction device” into the room after breaching the door. Isadore continued shooting at the entry team, who finally shot and killed him.

Local police said that the investigation is ongoing, but provided no further details.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/08/107-year-old-man-killed-by-swat-team-in-arkansas/#ixzz2eIs6mGOJ

One thought on “107-year-old man killed by SWAT team in Arkansas

  1. We (so-called) ‘goyim’ aren’t supposed to live that long, according to Zionist thinking.

    Such audacity. How DARE he live to such a ripe old age.

    He will be avenged soon.

    VERY soon, by all indications.

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