4 thoughts on “Agenda 21 | Everyone in America Needs to Watch This

  1. There folks that still think there no wrong that the government can do , one day they will get awake up at there door . Boy oh boy I hope that they wake up before it’s to late

  2. They either have no idea why all those home burst into flames MILES apart, or they’re lying.
    Just from their history, I’m leaning towards lying.

  3. So who was the toilet bug who lit this damn thing? Was it an illegal Mexican gangster??????

    BTW did the insurance companies pay these people off? Or did they screw them.

  4. A massive gas leak at random homes in a wide area? “we just can’t figure out how this is happening”…? Yes, very strange, unless you consider the possibility this is a test run for a massive depopulation scheme.
    The absolute stupidity, lying and incompetent responses from the FEMA and other “officials” makes me quite optimistic that we will squash these bugs as they deserve. Remember, all you Communist Agents of Change: “Never let a crisis go to waste” – (even if you must stage the crisis by shifty means and pretend you actually care about anything other than the Mammon and power you crave.)
    Watch your backs, Trenchers. Watch your fronts, sides and overhead as well. As God permits, send the servants of Satan to Hell.

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