Civil War And The Litmus Test – “Will you shoot Americans?”

Published on Mar 27, 2013

Dr. Jim Garrow is a renowned author and whistleblower who has been nominated for a Nobel peace prize for his humanitarian work. He is the author of The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China. He has spent over $25 million over the past sixteen years rescuing an estimated 40,000 baby Chinese girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy by facilitating international adoptions. He is the founder and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda schools, private English-immersion schools for Chinese children. Today he runs 168 schools with nearly 6,300 employees. Dr Garrow was recently contacted by a high ranking military official who implored him to reveal the truth about a “litmus test” that is being proposed by the Obama administration to the military asking the question “will you shoot Americans if they won’t give you their guns?”

12 thoughts on “Civil War And The Litmus Test – “Will you shoot Americans?”

  1. There is no doubt I am willing to eliminate every jackboot that comes to me with an agenda contrary to my God-given freedom. The fact they come to me proves they are willing to murder me; how can I not perform my duty to my fellow man to prevent those same criminals who attempted to prey on me from preying on them? I am my brother’s keeper.

    Remember, you pawns for hire who blindly follow the orders of your masters: YOU are become the enemy, not We the People. WE serve the cause of freedom and righteousness. YOU for Mammon serve those who are evil at their core. We will end them on these shores, and then assist others to end them on their shores, until they are gone from our world. Reflect on just who you are, and what you truly believe, and consider carefully whom you choose to serve, or we shall end you along with them.

  2. they will, because they have been already ..its those that chose to sleep through it that are rudely awakened and thats all you need to know


  4. Naturally, if I have to do so. Common sense, right? But here is an interesting fact–this dude saving Chinese children works for the Bethune Institute. Bethune, by the way, is named for Norman Bethune, a Canadian who went to China as a reporter in the 1930s and wound up supporting Mao Zedong’s Communists which, after allying with Chiang Kai Shek’s Nationalists to fight the Japanese invaders then fighting and defeating Chiang Kai Shek, still allied with Mao, who as we all know was very good at genocide and abortions and murdering children. Why this institute to save children is named for a Mao supporter is beyond me!

    1. Eliminating rulers that do not have a Rothschild central bank is hardly a “natural resource”.

      or were you speaking of all the oil we pulled out of Iraq after setting fire to the oil rigs

  5. Won’t it all fall apart for them when their servants refuse to serve them. Who will cook their meals and clean their toilets and polish their palaces when enough of us see through the game? I guess that’s why they’re drugging the populace into compliance and why they’re furiously creating AI to “serve and protect.” All we gotta do is stay ahead of ’em. Refuse their drugs and be smarter than the robots, in other words, be smarter than those who program robots. And of course, stay armed. Darzak’s first paragraph sure nails it.


    1. “The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what’s happening” – George Orwell

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