Before fleeing Afghanistan in a rush last fall Joe Biden armed the Taliban terrorist organization with approximately $80 billion in US weapons. The White House and Pentagon have never admitted to how many billion dollars worth of weapons they left behind for the Islamist group.
Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment list now controlled by Taliban:
-2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
-75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
-45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
-50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military Drones
-30 Military Version Cessnas
-4 C-130’s
-29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
208+ Aircraft Total
-At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
-162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
-Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
-Recconaissance Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
-Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
-Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
-Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
-Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators
Much of the information included in the above list is public record.
But that was not enough.
Now the Biden Administration is sending hundreds of millions of US dollars in weapons to Ukraine — But they don’t know what happens to these weapons.
Ukraine is ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in a recent Corruption Perceptions Index and the most corrupt country in Europe.
Newsmax reported:
Without U.S. troops in Ukraine, tracking the use of lethal aid to Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion has shortcomings, including relying on the very beneficiary that would be inclined to keep asking for more.
How the anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and other weaponry are being used by Ukraine is going to be a bit of an unknown, but it will not stop the Biden administration from supplying those amid war, sources tell CNN.
“We have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero,” a source told CNN. “It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.
“It’s hard to track with nobody on the ground,” a source added.
The Biden administration is sending “certainly the largest recent supply to a partner country in a conflict,” according to a senior defense official. Thus far, the U.S. has transferred hundreds of millions in equipment, but the need to supply Ukraine is trumping the potential for the weapons winding up in the wrong hands, according to the report.
The U.S. is forced to admit it is relying on Ukraine’s honesty on the use of the aid and weapons, even if Ukraine might be inclined to only share information that keeps the supply from the U.S. ongoing.
There is potentially billions in aid to come.
More… The US has sent over $2.5 billion to Ukraine.
Here is another impeachable offence they aren’t talking about ..because MSM
The Biden Admin openly admitted that Joe ordered his “Ghost Gun” regulation because he ” was having trouble getting gun control passed in the congress” That is lawless and anti BoR behavior . the president is not a king who can issue decrees on a whim
Gee, I wonder where the weapons went, OY.
If Whiffie is impeached, it’s the cackling whore,
then Pelosi, then I think it’s the steamin’ Shumer.
I’d say that’s as goofy as it gets but I’d likely be wrong.
“Now the Biden Administration is sending hundreds of millions of US dollars in weapons to Ukraine — But they don’t know what happens to these weapons.”
Henry made a good point on the broadcast, because I’d love to see us Truckers get away with that. “Yeah I don’t know where I’m going…” Totally f’ing bizarre. These articles read like parody.
It looks like someone wants to start a world war somewhere and is building each country’s military by deliberately dumping (under the guise of abandonment) military supplies to each country all over the globe OR someone’s working real hard to use this Russian conflict as an excuse to build their one world army OR both.
Weapons were left in Iraq, Mexico, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya, Somalia. It’s not hard to see what is going on here. These bastards are building the militaries of every country around the world while destabilizing our own.