ABC News

An investigator in Mississippi says a man charged with capital murder in the slaying last May of two Hattiesburg police officers died after being found unconscious in his jail cell.

Nick Calico with the Forrest County Sheriff’s office says 30-year-old Marvin Banks was found unresponsive in his cell in the county jail Friday evening. Calico says emergency personnel performed CPR and Banks was taken to a hospital. Banks was pronounced dead at 7:40 p.m.   Continue reading “Man Jailed in 2 Miss. Police Slayings Dies; Autopsy Planned”

Washington Post

Negotiators in Paris appear close to approving a proposed climate accord to curb the rapid growth of greenhouse gases and prevent a dangerous warming of the planet. Here are the main elements, based on the latest text:

The temperature target: The text says that nations of the world will try to limit “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.” If this language is accepted, it would be a huge win for small island states and other developing nations that argue a temperature increase above 1.5 degrees would be devastating for them.   Continue reading “5 things you should know about the proposed climate agreement”

Fox News

Advisers to President Barack Obama reportedly are finalizing a proposal to expand background checks on would-be gun buyers without congressional approval.

The Associated Press reported that White House adviser Valerie Jarrett told a Wednesday night vigil for victims of the 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. that Obama had asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review “in short order.”   Continue reading “Obama administration reportedly readies proposed expansion of background checks”

Bloomberg – by Asjylyn Loder

In an instant, Chesapeake Energy Corp. will erase the equivalent of 1.1 billion barrels of oil from its books.

Across the American shale patch, companies are being forced to square their reported oil reserves with hard economic reality. After lobbying for rules that let them claim their vast underground potential at the start of the boom, they must now acknowledge what their investors already know: many prospective wells would lose money with oil hovering below $40 a barrel.   Continue reading “Billions of Barrels of Oil Vanish in a Puff of Accounting Smoke”

Sent to us by Barry.

CT Governor Malloy announces he’ll sign an “executive order” stripping 2nd Amendment rights from anyone the cabal puts on the “terror watch list?”

Wait, don’t “domestic terrorists” include Christians, Tea Party folks, outspoken people, and non-Muslims?

New York Times

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut announced on Thursday that he would sign an executive order that would bar people on federal terrorism watch lists from buying firearms in the state.   Continue reading “Malloy exec order ends 2nd Amendment?”

Sent to us by Hoppes.

Stop Hate Crimes

Two white males were doused with gasoline and set on fire by a black male co-worker in Baltimore County. Both victims were severely injured. The media is censoring the story. There is no descriptions or pictures of anyone involved. This is probably because it was a black on white crime.   Continue reading “Two Men Doused With Gasoline And Set On Fire Near Baltimore. Media Censoring Story.”

The Hill – by Mark Hensch

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that he is no longer meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his home turf later this month.

“I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date after I become president of the U.S.,” he tweeted.   Continue reading “Trump cancels trip to Israel”

Tech Crunch – by Josh Constine

Mark Zuckerberg urged the world not to “succumb to cynicism” despite bigots like Donald Trump calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the United States. Today, Facebook’s CEO posted on his site that “I want to add my voice in support of Muslims in our community and around the world…As the leader of Facebook I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that we will fight to protect your rights”.   Continue reading “Zuckerberg Says Muslims Will Always Be Welcome On Facebook”

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WALB 10 News

LOWNDES CO., GA (WALB) – Two Afghan national flight team members, maintainers, or aircraft mechanics, who have been training to fly with the 81st Fighter Squadron at Moody Air Force Base, are missing.

Multiple law enforcement agencies received an alert from Moody Officials. They referred all initial calls to the Air Force Press Desk at the Pentagon. Phone calls to that office have not yet been returned.   Continue reading “Afghan flight training members missing from Moody AFB”

The Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will meet on December 28, 2015.

The meeting was scheduled two weeks ago and came before Trump made recent controversial remarks about the Muslim community.    Continue reading “Netanyahu, Trump set to meet at the end of December”

Daily Mail

Under cover of darkness, an Israeli armoured car advances down the potholed road that leads to Syria.

As it crests a small hill, the driver picks up the radio handset and tells his commanding officer that the border is in sight.

He kills the engine. Ten heavily-armed commandos jump out and take cover, watching for signs of ambush. Then five of them move up to the 12ft chainlink fence that marks the limit of Israeli-held territory.   Continue reading “Israeli commandos rescue wounded men from Syrian warzone”

ABC News

The new U.S. terror alert system that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said today he will announce in the coming days is actually more of a modification, a department official clarified later.

It is “not a new system,” but rather a revision of the one that is already in place, the official said.   Continue reading “Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to Announce Revised Terror Alert System”

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Washington, D.C.- Monday, a World Trade Organization (WTO) tribunal authorized over $1 billion in sanctions against the U.S., in retaliation for the congressionally passed Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law being “incompliant with WTO standards.”   Continue reading “Global WTO Tribunal Overrules Congress on Food Labeling, $1 Billion Sanctions”

Yahoo News – Constitution Daily

The case of Friedman v. City of Highland Park has been listed in recent months for consideration by the nine Supreme Court Justices in private conference. It takes a minimum for four Justices to agree to hear an appeal before the full Court during its current term.

Without announcing the vote count in private conference today, the Supreme Court declined to accept the appeal from Dr. Arie Friedman and the Illinois State Rifle Association. They believed the suburban Illinois city violated their Second Amendment rights when it passed the ownership ban on various semi-automatic weapons, as well as a ban on ammunition clips that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.   Continue reading “Supreme Court denies assault weapons ban challenge”

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Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said something interesting during an appearance on the Morning Joe Show on Thursday.

At 5:10 into the interview Fiorina dropped a bombshell:   Continue reading “Fiorina: San Bernardino Shooter’s Gun Bought for Police”