Yahoo News

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama met with former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to talk about gun violence. Specifically, the pair talked about what can be done to end the threat that America’s loose standards for access to them poses to public safety.

“The two discussed ways to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have access to them, and what more could be done at the state and local level to help address gun violence in America,” the White House said of their meeting.    Continue reading “Obama Meets With Bloomberg as He Readies Gun Control Executive Order”

New York Times – by Maggie Haberman and Nick Corasaniti

The Democratic National Committee has told the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont that it was suspending its access to its voter database after a software error enabled at least one of his staff members to review Hillary Clinton’s private campaign data.

The decision by the party committee is a major blow to Mr. Sanders’s campaign. The database includes information from voters across the nation and is used by campaigns to set strategy, especially in the early voting states.   Continue reading “Bernie Sanders Campaign Is Disciplined for Breaching Hillary Clinton Data”


Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO and former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli, who was heavily criticized for raising the price of a drug used to treat a life-threatening infection by more than 4,000 percent, has been arrested by federal authorities.

Shkreli was arrested early Thursday morning and charged with securities fraud by federal prosecutors for allegedly plundering Retrophin, a biopharmaceutical company he used to run, for personal gain, a FBI spokeswoman and law enforcement officials confirmed to ABC News.   Continue reading “Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli Arrested for Securities Fraud”

Washington Post

U.S. law enforcement officials said that gun charges are expected to be announced Thursday against Enrique Marquez, who bought the assault rifles used in the deadly San Bernardino attack.

It is not clear if Marquez, 24, has been arrested yet.   Continue reading “Gun charges expected against San Bernardino shooter’s friend”

ABC News

The streets of Baltimore were calm overnight as activists urged peace and healing after the Wednesday announcement of a mistrial in the trial of police officer William Porter.

People gathered across the city to protest the decision, but they remained largely peaceful.   Continue reading “Calm in Baltimore Overnight After Freddie Gray Mistrial”

Sent to us by John Trowbridge: ALL the documents are here, to help YOU avoid Federal entanglements and to help YOU escape their clutches if you’re “already in court” — This newest posting summarizes the cases and gives you the framework to understand the issues!

Supreme Court Case

  • Part 1: Article III federal courts versus United States District Courts 

The Constitution creates the judicial power of the national government at Article 3 § 1 and delineates the character of the controversies to which the judicial power extends at Article 3 § 2(1); to wit, respectively and in pertinent part:   Continue reading “The lesson they do not teach in law schools or high school civics classes: the Hoax of Federal Jurisdiction”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

There has only been one thing keeping our economy afloat since the crash of 2008. That is, cheap money provided by the Federal Reserve. Everything from stocks to bonds and even real estate, have been pumped up by the Fed’s limitless money supply.

And the Fed isn’t alone. Central banks all over the world have been utilizing the same strategy of inflating their currency, and provided near zero interest rates. That’s because everybody wants stay competitive by keeping their exports cheap. They’ve been racing to the bottom for years, but now it appears that the bottom has finally been reached.   Continue reading “Fed Raises Interest Rates For The First Time In A Decade”

CNS News – by Daniel Mitchell

I almost feel sorry for the gun-control crowd.

They keep trying to convince themselves that people are on their side, but schemes to restrict the 2nd Amendment keep getting defeated on Capitol Hill.   Continue reading “Obama Admin Is Willing to Run Roughshod Over Constitution for Gun Control Agenda”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military said on Wednesday it was removing 12 fighter jets from Incirlik air base in Turkey after sending them there last month to bolster the fight against Islamic State and to help reassure Turkey after Russian incursions its airspace.

The Pentagon played down the decision, saying the jets had completed what was always meant to be a temporary deployment within Europe. It noted new commitments by allies France, Britain and Germany since the high-profile U.S. deployment.   Continue reading “US military says pulls 12 fighter jets from base in Turkey”

The Hill – by Timothy Cama

Environmental groups and some Democrats are furious that Congress’s bipartisan spending bill would lift the ban on crude oil exports.

Greens said the extensions of wind and solar power tax breaks does not justify a provision that would generate billions of dollars for the oil industry.   Continue reading “Critics seethe over end to oil export ban”

ABC News – by Jack Date

Suspended Secret Service Uniformed Division Officer Arthur Baldwin was shot and killed in the District of Columbia Tuesday afternoon. The DC Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the incident.

“The Secret Service is aware of this information. We express our condolences to the family of our employee,” according to a statement by the Secret Service. “Any inquiries regarding the investigation of this homicide should be directed to Washington Metropolitan Police Department.”   Continue reading “Suspended Uniformed Division Secret Service Officer Shot and Killed”

Sent to us by Mike from Michigan.

I am available Tuesdays through Thursdays to teach medical…weapons….communications etc in the Romeo area.

I program any radio that can be used with the CHIRP program….I have all of the cables and local repeaters and stock frequencies.   Continue reading “Free Training Offer for Romeo, Michigan Area”


U.S. gun control activists called for expanded background checks for firearms purchasers and for a ban on sales to people on federal watch lists on Monday, in a protest marking the third anniversary of the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school.

Speakers including U.S. Representative Gerry Connolly, a Virginia Democrat, and survivors of recent U.S. mass shootings made their call outside the Fairfax, Virginia, headquarters of the National Rifle Association lobbying group. About 100 people attended the protest in the Washington suburb.   Continue reading “On Sandy Hook anniversary, U.S. activists call for gun restrictions”

Yahoo News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Less than two weeks after 14 people were fatally shot in San Bernardino, a California congressman is hosting a hearing Monday aimed at finding ways to reduce gun violence.

It’s the latest step by proponents of stricter gun laws who say Congress must do more after a series of shootings that have left dozens dead across the country.   Continue reading “California congressional hearing aims to avert gun violence”

Thanks to Tedx.

Truth in Media – by Ben Swan

There’s been so much debate over Donald Trump’s statement that the U.S. should ban all Muslims attempting to enter the country. We are going to look at one major question: is it lawful?

This is a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”   Continue reading “Reality Check: Trump Right About Legal Authority to Ban Muslim Immigrants, Other Pres. Candidates Hypocritical on Muslims?”

Fox News

A University of North Texas police officer shot and killed a student who allegedly threatened him with an ax early Sunday.

The student was identified as Ryan McMillan, who had celebrated his 21st birthday Sunday. University spokeswoman Kelley Reese told the Dallas Morning News. McMillan was a sophomore transfer student from Fort Worth studying pre-hospitality.   Continue reading “Ax-wielding University of North Texas student shot and killed by campus police”

BBC News

Russia says one of its warships fired warning shots at a Turkish fishing boat in the Aegean Sea to avoid a collision.

A Russian defence ministry statement said the Turkish vessel approached to 600m (1,800ft) before turning away in response to Russian small arms fire.     Continue reading “Russian warship fires warning shots at Turkish fishing boat”

EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. (AP) – Authorities say a man armed with two handguns and a machete has been shot and killed by police inside a northeastern Pennsylvania Wal-Mart store.

The Pocono Record reports that witnesses told police that a man entered the store shortly after 10 p.m. Saturday and began threatening customers. Officials say there were about 100 customers in the store at the time.
Continue reading “Man with guns and machete is shot, killed at Pa. Wal-Mart”