BETHESDA, Md. (AP) — Forget being sneezed on: Government scientists are deliberately giving dozens of volunteers the flu by squirting the live virus straight up their noses.

It may sound bizarre, but the rare type of research is a step in the quest for better flu vaccines. It turns out that how the body fends off influenza remains something of a mystery.   Continue reading “Want to get the flu? Volunteers sneeze for science”

waterNatural News – by L.J. Devon

What role does the current overuse of antibiotics play in encouraging the spread of new and invasive super bugs?

Why are water treatment facilities spreading super bugs even after the water has been treated?

Is chlorine an effective water disinfectant?   Continue reading “Superbugs are breeding, spreading drug-resistant genes at water treatment plants”

Market Watch – by PAUL B. FARRELL

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — The world looks different from rarified altitude of a billionaire. Especially if you’re one of the 85 richest who control more wealth than the 3.5 billion poorest.

You guys already own half the planet. Keep up the good work, getting richer, by the end of this century your family could be one of the world’s 11 trillionaires predicted in the new Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report. Capitalism is the ticket to owning everything.   Continue reading “Davos Billionaires: Oblivious to the Coming Revolution”

Cancer Tutor – by Webster Kehr

This article will describe a way to make colloidal silver at home. After the first batch of colloidal silver is made, the second and future batches should make one gallon of high quality 6 PPM to 8 PPM (Parts Per Million) colloidal silver in one and a half hours.

The fist batch will take about three hours, since it will not have the benefit of “seeding” the gallon with previously “cooked” colloidal silver (this “seeding” is necessary to create better electrical current in the distilled water). Once the first batch is made, future batches can be “seeded,” so it will take less time to make these batches.   Continue reading “How to Make Colloidal Silver at Home”

Washington’s Blog

Major New Voice Slams NSA Spying

Many experts – including congress members – say that the NSA’s spying program is illegal.

Officials in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government all say that the mass surveillance on Americans is unnecessary:   Continue reading “Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board – Which Congress Made An Independent Agency in 2007, But Which Just Became Operational – Says NSA Spying Is ILLEGAL AND UNNECESSARY”

Show Biz 411 – by Roger Friedman

As the Super Bowl approaches New York much like a blizzard, here are some things to think about: in 2012, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was paid $29.5 million to run the organization. And that’s not all. The NFL, if you didn’t realize it, exists as a 501 c 6 organization. It’s not for profit!

In order to have that status, the NFL must be run as a charitable foundation. In 2012, they gave away a meager $2.3 million. Almost all of it–$2.1 million– went to the NFL Hall of Fame.   Continue reading “NFL Commish Makes $29.5 Mil a Year– 15 Times More Than Tax Free Org Gives to Charity, More than CEOs of Ford, Heinz, FedEx”

Harder StuffCrockett Lives

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid…” — Barack Obama

“You smoke that shit, everything kind of gets weird, you know what I mean?” — Bunny in Platoon

Despite having spent a good many years in the Sixties (ten, to be exact, although I only remember about half of ‘em), I was never much of a pot head.  Any substance which led me to believe that Gilligan’s Island was a masterpiece of the performing arts was not to be trusted.  Grass gave most people the giggles; for a tiny minority of us, it provided the certainty we were on the verge of a massive heart attack.  Body paranoia was the doper’s term for such unease. It was an affliction which led chronic sufferers back to the conviviality of the closest taproom where they could inebriate themselves legally until they keeled over into a puddle of their own effluvia and were dragged home by their designated drivers.   Continue reading “Don’t Bogart That Joint, Barack …”