An old electric chair inside the Texas Prison Museum in Huntsville.New York Daily News

ST. LOUIS — With lethal-injection drugs in short supply and new questions looming about their effectiveness, lawmakers in some death penalty states are considering bringing back relics of a more gruesome past: firing squads, electrocutions and gas chambers.

Most states abandoned those execution methods more than a generation ago in a bid to make capital punishment more palatable to the public and to a judicial system worried about inflicting cruel and unusual punishments that violate the Constitution.   Continue reading “Death penalty states mull return of firing squads, electric chairs”


NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Crews lost control of a natural gas well being drilled off the Louisiana coast Thursday, but officials said no injuries or pollution have been reported and efforts are underway to stop the flow of gas.

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement says most crew members were evacuated from the rig, which was drilling in 262 feet of water about 108 miles southwest of Lafayette. The situation was reported at 8:43 a.m., a BSEE spokeswoman said.   Continue reading “Crews lose control of gas rig off Louisiana coast”

Sherrie Questioning All

Obama introduced MYRA – a new IRA for those who don’t have one.

I believe I will just call it “Obamaretire” (two fold meaning)

OH… Wait… where have I heard that before….. hmmm….. let me think back…… it is coming to me…….

OH Right….. Healthcare for All in equality!!!   Continue reading “Obama’s Retirement Plan “MYRA”: “Equality of IRA’s for All” Reminds me of propaganda before Obamacare. “Equality of Healthcare for All””


NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A former city contractor testified Thursday that he and his partners paid $60,000 in bribes sought by former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Nagin’s sons and, in return, began getting work from the city that eventually totaled more than $2.6 million.

Rodney Williams was the first witness called Thursday in the federal corruption trial of Nagin, who served as mayor from 2002-2010. He said he was first approached by Nagin’s two sons, and later by Nagin himself, about paying the money to help support the Nagin’s family-owned granite company.   Continue reading “1st witness says he bribed ex-New Orleans mayor”

Infowars – by Steve Watson

A rather Orwellian council proposal in California would see police able to remotely access the feeds from home security cameras in San Jose, for the good of society.

The idea, forwarded by City Councilman Sam Liccardo, calls for citizens to volunteer their own CCTV systems, registering them with local law enforcement, so police can monitor whatever the cameras are trained on.   Continue reading “Authorities Want Remote Access To Californians’ Home CCTV Feeds “For The Greater Good””

ObamaHistoricPresidentBlogsense by Barb – by Daniel S. Hudson

Corey James wrote “Quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:

CenturyLink – by KRISTEN WYATT

DENVER (AP) — Pot at the county fair? Why not?

Colorado’s Denver County is adding cannabis-themed contests to its 2014 summer fair. It’s the first time pot plants will stand alongside tomato plants and homemade jam in competition for a blue ribbon.

There won’t actually be any marijuana at the fairgrounds. The judging will be done off-site, with photos showing the winning entries. And a live joint-rolling contest will be done with oregano, not pot.   Continue reading “Marijuana contests join county fair in Colorado”


DENVER (AP) — The federal government is ready to let farmers grow cannabis — at least the kind that can’t get people high.

Hemp — marijuana’s non-intoxicating cousin that’s used to make everything from clothing to cooking oil — could soon be cultivated in 10 states under a federal farm bill agreement reached late Monday that allows the establishment of pilot growing programs.   Continue reading “Hemp growing going legit after decades-long ban”

The Onion [SATIRE]

WASHINGTON—Despite Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s recent controversial admission to having smoked crack cocaine, Americans across the country confirmed Wednesday that, Rob Ford or no Rob Ford, there’s just no way they’re about to start giving a shit about Canadian politics—no way in hell.   Continue reading “Nation Not About To Start Giving A Shit About Canadian Politics”

CenturyLink – by Chris Talbott

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Buoyed by his characteristically soaring spirit, the surging crowd around him and a pair of canes, Pete Seeger walked through the streets of Manhattan leading an Occupy Wall Street protest in 2011.

Though he would later admit the attention embarrassed him, the moment brought back many feelings and memories as he instructed yet another generation of young people how to effect change through song and determination — as he had done over the last seven decades as a history-sifting singer and ever-so-gentle rabble-rouser.   Continue reading “Folk singer, activist Pete Seeger dies in NY”

Red Ice Creations- by John Black, Ancient Origins

Codex Gigas, otherwise known as ‘the Devil’s Bible’ is the largest and probably one of the strangest manuscripts in the world. It is so large that it is said to have taken more than 160 animal skins to make it and takes at least two people to lift it. It measures approximately 1 metre in length.

According to legend, the medieval manuscript was made out of a pact with the ‘devil’, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Bible. It was written in Latin during the 13th century AD, and although the origin of the manuscript is unknown, a note in the manuscript states that it was pawned in the monastery at Sedlec in 1295.   Continue reading “Codex Gigas (the Devil’s Bible) – the largest manuscript in the world”

Cure For InsomniaCrockett Lives

Barack Obama is America’s own Man of Steal, and he’ll prove it again when he pontificates on the State of the Union on Tuesday.  The Over/Under for the number of times he utters the first person pronoun is 100.  Savvy bettors are, of course, playing the Over.

This years SOTU speech will  be historic in other ways as well.  It will likely mark the first time a sitting U.S. president (if that is what Obama ever was, considering his proclivity to rule by secrecy and decree) has dared issue a more open call for communism (i.e. income equality).   Continue reading “The SOTU Is FUBAR”