Daily Mail – by Guy Adams

Not long ago, Bono’s trendy anti-poverty lobby group, One, launched a blistering public attack on secretive foreign tax havens that allow very rich people to squirrel away their wealth.

At a press conference in Brussels, where MEPs were debating new anti money-laundering laws, it sternly declared that tax havens were preventing ‘massive sums’ from being spent on the all-important ‘fight against extreme poverty, disease, and hunger’.   Continue reading “Saint Bono’s shameless tax gymnastics are the epitome of celebrity double standards”

New York Magazine

After Rand Paul was assaulted by a neighbor on Friday, a spokesperson for the Kentucky senator said he was “fine.” On Sunday afternoon, a senior adviser, Doug Stafford, revealed that the senator actually suffered five broken ribs, and it’s unclear when he’ll be able to return to work.

“Senator Paul has five rib fractures including three displaced fractures,” Stafford said. “This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying.”   Continue reading “Rand Paul Suffered 5 Broken Ribs in Assault at Kentucky Home”

True Pundit

The Las Vegas Review-Journal took legal action Friday to obtain law enforcement records kept secret by authorities in the wake of the Oct. 1 Strip massacre.

In three separate actions, the newspaper is joining other media outlets seeking to shed light on the investigation into the worst mass shooting in modern American history. Fifty-eight people were killed after a gunman fired into a crowd of concert-goers from his 32nd-floor Mandalay Bay suite before killing himself.   Continue reading “Review-Journal goes to court to obtain Las Vegas shooting records”

The Telegraph – by Martin Daubney

A new book claims that male office workers are now so afraid of being on the receiving end of a sexual harassment case, they are reluctant to mentor, assist, befriend and even hold open doors for female colleagues.

Crushingly, Sex & The Office suggests men now view such ordinary, decent behaviours as “too risky” – and, in what will be a bitter irony for equality campaigners – claims that, as a direct consequence, women are now failing to advance at work.

Continue reading “Well done, feminism. Now men are afraid to help women at work”

If Americans Knew

The Israeli American Council is a ten-year-old organization of dual US-Israeli citizens. A year ago it launched a lobbying arm, the Israeli American Coalition for Action, which has been the driving force and partial architect of anti-BDS laws passed in Nevada, California and Texas and is currently advancing similar legislation in Massachusetts.  It also helped promote the “Taylor Force Act” and other bills for Israel.

New York Jewish Week and Moment magazine describe the actions of the Israeli-American Council  (IAC) and its new lobbying arm, Israeli-American Coalition for Action (IAC for Action).   Continue reading “Dual citizens driving US laws against Palestinians, BDS, etc”

Looks like more experimenting on children

The Telegraph

Statins should be given to thousands of children by the age of 10 under radical new NHS guidance.

GPs are being urged to identify those who have an inherited risk of high cholesterol, amid warnings that the vast majority of cases are going undetected.
Continue reading “Statins ‘should be given to children with heart risks before the age of 10’”


Outrage erupted online after the Latino Victory Fund targeted Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie in an inflammatory ad, showing a pickup truck with a Gillespie bumper sticker and a Confederate flag chasing down non-white children.

The ad, which was released on Monday, shows a group of minority children running as the truck pursues them. “Run, run, run!” one of the children shouts to the others.

Just as the children become trapped between a fence and the truck, they all wake up from what was actually a nightmare. “Is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie mean by the American dream?” the narrator asks.   Continue reading “‘Repulsive’ political ad shows minority kids chased by truck flying Confederate flag”

Daily Mail

A university free speech society has been told its inaugural speaker must submit his speech for vetting – or cancel the event.

The Liberate the Debate society at the University of Sussex invited Ukip MEP Bill Etheridge to give a talk this term but their plans were disrupted by student union officials.

The union said his talk about Libertarianism and free speech was deemed ‘medium/high risk’ – and could be offensive to audience members.   Continue reading “UK University free speech society told to vet guest’s speech”


Sydney (CNN) — The long, contentious debate over the future of Australia’s sacred Uluru is over.

Climbing the famed Northern Territory site will be banned from October 2019 following a unanimous decision by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Board on November 1.

The 348-meter sandstone monolith is one of Australia’s most recognizable landscapes and a major tourist attraction, however there have long been calls to end climbing activities due to cultural and safety concerns.   Continue reading “Australia’s famed Uluru closed off to climbers from 2019”

The New Nationalist – by Russ Winter

Handling of the Las Vegas mass shooting was so badly botched that the Crime Syndicate is resorting to a series of gaslighting news articles to try to put the genie back in the bottle. Gaslighting essentially means calling someone crazy for being a “conspiracy theorist” (CT). This method is fairly effective when used against folks who are newly or partially awake and who aren’t as strong with their personal interpretative frameworks.

For the record, The New Nationalist (TNN) defines a CT as someone who questions the statements and narratives of known liars. A conspiracy researcher goes beyond the distrust and digs deeper.   Continue reading “Crime Syndicate Ramps Up ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Gaslighting Campaign”

Gearoid O Colmain

Dear anti anti-Semitic reader, take heed lest the following facts, bigoted and odious as they most outrageously are, offend thine eyes!

Many of the world’s richest financial elites are Jewish. They have a state all to themselves; it’s called Israel. It is no ordinary state. Its agents control the world’s great powers and the minds of the masses through monopoly media. It is a fact few will dare to admit, but facts are facts. And as as the cliché goes, facts are stubborn things!   Continue reading “Israel Will Be Our Bank”