Henry Makow

Did the NYPD Counter-Terrorism Unit have advance warning of the NYC Halloween terrorist attack which killed eight?

The perpetrators of 911 — i.e. Intelligence agencies like the CIA and Mossad- fund ISIS and are behind all terror attacks which are designed partly to create a climate of hatred against Islam and sympathy for Israel. Patrick Stewart, who happened to be at the scene Tuesday afternoon, explores the other motives behind this state-sponsored terror. How long will Westerners tolerate this secret war on them perpetrated by their own Masonic-controlled governments?    Continue reading ““Anti-Terror” Presence Preceded NYC Attack by Hours”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Actor Kevin Spacey became the latest alleged sexual predator in Hollywood on Monday after he was publicly accused of attempting to sexually assault a 14-year-old boy. Not only is this not the first time Spacey has faced such allegations, but it calls his past into question, which includes his foundation that specifically works with children.

The Kevin Spacey Foundation is an organization of “mentors, advocates and educators” who work with hopeful emerging artists to “discover, fund and co-produce transatlantic musical, dance, theater and film projects,” according to its website, which features a photo of Spacey surrounded by eager children hoping to break into the entertainment industry.   Continue reading “After He Flew With Bill Clinton on ‘Lolita Express’ Kevin Spacey Started Group to Groom Child Stars”

The New Nationalist – by Torchy Blane

illionaire megalomaniac George Soros and a globalist operative group are behind the “Nov. 4 It Begins” protest calling for the ousting of President Donald Trump from the White House along with his entire cabinet, reports reveal.

RefuseFascism.org announced its planned protest against Trump on Sept. 26 when members of the group blocked rush-hour traffic for on Highway 101 in Los Angeles by holding up signs that spelled out “Nov 4 It Begins.” After nearly 20 minutes, they were arrested by police.   Continue reading “Follow the Money: Who’s Really Behind the Nov. 4 Refuse Fascism Protest”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

As the curtain gets pulled back and the predators in Hollywood scatter like cockroaches, every new finding leads to more questions. As the Harvey Weinstein scandal snowballed into Hollywood pedogate, Americans are finding out that children have long been the prey of Tinseltown’s elite. But how far back does this depraved madness go? According to many horrifying cases over the 20th century, the answer to that question is at least 100 years.

Hollywood’s proclivity for underage sex dates back ages—if he were alive, you could just ask Charlie Chaplin.   Continue reading “Hollywood Sex Abuse is a Century Old, Charlie Chaplin Raped Kids and He’s Hailed As a Hero”


A mural of US President Donald Trump sharing a kiss with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has popped up on Israel’s security barrier around the city of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Tourists were snapping selfies in front of the painting Sunday, mimicking the kiss of the US and Israeli leaders.  Continue reading “Kissing Trump & Netanyahu mural appears on West Bank wall”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Hollywood, CA — “Just name the abusers already!” “Why don’t you name these people?” “You are protecting them by not naming them!” These are just some of the comments currently being hurled at Corey Feldman and others who’ve come forward with their allegations of sexual abuse by predators in Hollywood. While naming names makes perfect sense on the surface, as the example below illustrates, it’s often an exercise in futility.

Corey Feldman did name names. He told the police in 1993 and they did nothing.  

Continue reading “Corey Feldman Told Cops the Names of Abusers, It Was Recorded & Police Did Nothing”

“The same people who want to break up the Middle East into smaller and easier to bully countries also want to break up the European nation states which will be easier to bully when the Jews realize their dream of world domination. If such a dream is allowed to come true, will an independent Catalonia or an independent Flanders or an independent Scotland ever be able to resist to a nuclear-armed Jewish state? We have said many times before that the project of the EU is to destroy all the nation states of Europe, make them so small and unable to defend themselves so that they are easier to govern by one single authority based in Brussels. … Already Brussels is bypassing the official national authorities and dealing directly with the different regions as if the nation states do not exist… … Brussels has already fragmented all European countries in what they call the Euro-regions, Euro-regions which make no room whatsoever for nation states. We are not saying that the aspirations of the Spanish Catalans people are not genuine. We are saying that Judea Inc. is using these very sincere feelings of the Spanish Catalans to further their messianic plans, the very same way they used the sincere frustrations and feelings of the Arabs to engineer an ‘Arab Spring’ meant to deliver the Jewish Summer. Do not be fooled.”
— Mark Glenn

Wade Awake Gentile, July, 2017

Catalonia’s ruling coalition has vowed to declare independence “immediately” if a majority of voters back it in an October referendum.Secessionists in the north-east region have long argued that it should break away from Spain. Catalonia is one of Spain’s richestregions, both culturally and industrially. It also boasts its own distinct language – Catalan – and centuries-old customs.

Until recently, there was little support for full independence – but Spain’s painful economic crunch has prompted an upswing. BBC   Continue reading “Catalonia The Newest European Kosher State?”


Foreigners will soon not be allowed to buy existing homes in New Zealand as the country is facing a housing affordability crisis due to soaring property prices.

“We have agreed on banning the purchase of existing homes by foreign buyers,” said Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern, adding the ban only applied to non-residents.

A bill to ban purchases will be introduced by Christmas, she said, also announcing plans to slash immigration and focus on regional development and job creation.   Continue reading “New Zealand homes ‘no longer for sale’ to foreigners”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

A women’s studies professor at the University of California, Davis has declared that the time has come to replace “traditional science” with “a much needed anti-science, antiracist, feminist approach to knowledge production.”

The professor is Sara Giordano, according to Campus Reform.   Continue reading “Professor: Replace ‘Traditional Science’ With ‘Anti-Science, Antiracist, Feminist Approach’”

Raw Story – by Brad Reed

Two brothers who work at their father’s local taco restaurant in Damascus, Virginia, were charged with disorderly conduct — and one was charged with assault — after they kicked a Jewish customer out of the restaurant while shouting anti-Semitic slurs.

The Bristol Herald Courier reports that Joseph Killian, 33, and Henry Killian II, 35, were shown on camera telling Jewish man Craig Johnston that he should “get in a f*cking Jewish oven and die like your ancestors.”   Continue reading “Restaurant workers smack Jewish customer and tell him to ‘die in an oven’”


COLUMBUS (WCMH) — A Columbus teen is out of the hospital after he was robbed and beaten unconscious, all because of a pair of shoes.

13-year-old Aiden Winter said he was so excited to buy his first pair of Air Jordan Sons of Mars shoes. Aiden bought the shoes three months ago, after working to mow grass in summer.

This past Sunday, Aiden, his sister and friend were walking to the store in west Columbus when he saw who he thought was an old friend.   Continue reading “‘They could’ve killed him’: Mom says son was beaten for his shoes”