AFP Photo / Karen BleierRT News

It’s bad enough that a US Marine lost both his legs in combat. But after TSA agents forced the wheelchair-bound man to stand up, walk and remove his prosthetic legs at an airport in Phoenix, he was publicly humiliated for his disability.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) sent a letter to the Transportation Security Administration this week, condemning TSA officers for mistreating the wounded soldier on March 13. The Marine, who is still on active duty, had lost both of his legs in an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast while deployed. The man is now confined to a wheelchair. He showed up at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with an escort that helped him get around.   Continue reading “Double-amputee Marine humiliated by TSA”


WASHINGTON — The Senate next month will consider a bill to increase the penalties for people who buy and sell illegal guns, a measure greatly reduced in scope and reach from the gun safety agenda sought by President Obama.

The bill will not include the reinstatement of an assault weapons ban, championed by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who met the measure’s demise with anger and despondency.   Continue reading “Gun Safety Bill in Senate Will Exclude Assault Weapons Ban”

Oil Price – by Jen Alic

Now that Iran has made the high-profile deployment of a guided missile destroyer in the Caspian Sea, its neighbors should all be “happy” at the major advancement in regional security.

On 17 March, Iran deployed the domestically built Jamaran-2 guided missile destroyer in the port city of Bandar Anzali in Caspian waters, with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad overseeing the ceremony in a widely publicized event.   Continue reading “Iran Deploys New Warship in Caspian Sea”

DEMCAD’s Corner – by Reginald Kaigler

The Cyprus Bailout is the result of years and years of escalating attacks against taxpayers all across the world. This bailout is in reality a grand theft. The European Union is offering the island nation a supposed 13 billion euro bailout that will come at the cost of having bank accounts taxed 9.9%. Small accounts will be taxed 6.7%, while people with larger savings will lose at least 9.9% of your money. This is never happened before. And you can beg your bank account that it will happen again. I think this is a test run for something bigger.   Continue reading “Cyprus Disaster is Worse Than You Think!”

130315111216_wasselFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Thirty-two year old Benjamin Wassell of Silver Creek has become the first victim in New York’s unconstitutional SAFE Act. That’s right, I used the term “victim” because these are completely unlawful laws being enforced.

The western New Yorker is apparently the first person to be charged with violating the state’s unconstitutional gun law.   Continue reading “First Man Arrested Under NY’s Unconstitutional SAFE Act”

Truth Dig – by Chris Hedges

If, as Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote, “the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons” then we are a nation of barbarians. Our vast network of federal and state prisons, with some 2.3 million inmates, rivals the gulags of totalitarian states. Once you disappear behind prison walls you become prey. Rape. Torture. Beatings. Prolonged isolation. Sensory deprivation. Racial profiling. Chain gangs. Forced labor. Rancid food. Children imprisoned as adults. Prisoners forced to take medications to induce lethargy. Inadequate heating and ventilation. Poor health care. Draconian sentences for nonviolent crimes. Endemic violence.   Continue reading “The Shame of America’s Gulag”

Cover of "Earthquake! (Disaster)"Hews Media Group – by Randy Economy

They say we are getting closer to predicting the actual time when earthquakes will actually take place.

Here in Los Angeles County on thing is for sure, sometime in the future a large shaker will strike and millions of people will be effected.

In continuing the on-going efforts in preparing the “big one,” Los Angeles County Operational Area (LACOA) and its partners including the 88 cities, 137 unincorporated area communities, 200-plus school and special districts will be holding a “disaster training exercise” on Thursday, March 21 from 9 to 3 p.m.   Continue reading “7.8 Earthquake ‘exercise’ to hit Los Angeles County next Thursday”

Army outpost near Syrian borderThe Guardian – by Julian Borger

US expected to resist Israeli pressure to attack Iran, while Tel Aviv unlikely to yield on Palestine, leaving Syria a common goal.

Israel will use President Obama’s visit on Wednesday to try to persuade the US to carry out air strikes on Syria if there is evidence that Syrian missiles are to be handed over to Hezbollah in Lebanon, or at least to give full support to Israeli military action to prevent the transfer.   Continue reading “Israel to ask Obama to use air strikes in case of Syrian missile transfer”

The plot thickens. Remember the article a few days ago about Russia not allowing foreign banks there? That as well as the Syrian connection seem to tie together.

Before It’s News – by FreewillOffering

The Western NWO new twist to grab bank depositors money is neither new, straightforword in nature or over. Yet like other moves of the Western Oligarchs it is multidimensional in its intented results. Here are a few simple facts and goals of this manuever:   Continue reading “Cyprus: Globalist Bank Deposit Grab Aims to Pressure Russia on Syria”

If The Banksters Will Steal Money From Bank Accounts In Cyprus Then They Will Do It ANYWHEREThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Cyprus is a beta test.  The banksters are trying to commit bank robbery in broad daylight, and they are eager to see if the rest of the world will let them get away with it.  Cyprus was probably chosen because it is very small (therefore nobody will care too much about it) and because there is a lot of foreign (i.e. Russian) money parked there.  The IMF and the EU could have easily bailed out Cyprus without any trouble whatsoever, but they purposely decided not to do that.  Instead, they decided that this would be a great time to test the idea of a “wealth tax”.   Continue reading “After The Banksters Steal Money From Bank Accounts In Cyprus They Will Start Doing It EVERYWHERE”

Open Congress – by Donny Shaw

Public polling shows that a majority of Americans now support legalizing marijuana, but will Congress even consider taking pot off the banned substances list?

Today, two members of the House — Rep. Jared Polis [D, CO] and Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D, OR] — are introducing legislation to change the federal marijuana laws. Polis’ “Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act” would regulate marijuana like alcohol, and Blumenauer’s “Marijuana Tax Equity Act” would establish a federal marijuana taxation structure. The introduction of the bills is a first step, but it doesn’t mean that there is broader institutional interest in Congress for taking up the issue of legalizing pot.   Continue reading “Pot Legalization Bills Introduced, and Why Congress Will Not Legalize Pot”

End the Lie

Cyprus is currently deciding whether to raise the anti-crisis tax on savings larger than 100,000 euros to 12.5%, while reducing the levy on smaller amounts to 3 per cent, a source told Reuters.

The Cypriot government has been discussing with its European creditors the idea of reducing the levy on deposits smaller than 100,000 euros to 3 per cent, Reuters reported citing an anonymous source who is close to talks.   Continue reading “Cyprus may raise deposit levy to 12.5% for large accounts – report”

News Max – by Michael Mullins

Nevada is now the sixth state in recent months to consider either legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana possession, courtesy of a bill proposed by Democrat Las Vegas Assemblyman Joe Hogan on Friday.

“We’ve wasted a tremendous amount of money spoiling teenagers’ lives, chasing them around until we can arrest them for something,” Hogan told the Las Vegas Sun. “And marijuana is not just a harmless plant. The medical benefits are remarkable.”   Continue reading “Las Vegas Pot? Nevada Weighs Bill to Decriminalize or Legalize Marijuana”

Medical Adviser Journal – by Kyle J. Norton

In the study to investigate the effects of pesticides containing different adjuvants like Roundup formulations found in the environment, surface waters and as food residues of Roundup tolerant genetically modified plants on cells from liver, a major detoxification organ, and the mechanism of action and possible protection by precise medicinal plant extracts called Dig1   Continue reading “Roundup tolerant genetically modified plants and Liver cell”

The Hill – by Benjamin Goad

A growing number of states are moving forward with legislation to exempt them from new federal gun controls and, in some cases, brand as criminals anyone who tries to enforce them.

While many of the bills are considered symbolic or appear doomed to fail, the legislative explosion reflects a backlash against legislative and regulatory efforts in Washington to tamp down on gun violence.    Continue reading “States to feds: Hands off our guns”

Joe Biden is the latest celebrity to get a reality show, though 'Being Biden' will be seen on the White House's website and will be geared toward a distinct policy agenda.NY Daily News – by JAMES WARREN

Joe Biden is the latest celebrity to get a reality show, though ‘Being Biden’ will be seen on the White House’s website and will be geared toward a distinct policy agenda.

WASHINGTON — The “Real Housewives of New Jersey” need not get nervous, but the White House Thursday unveiled its own online reality series — “Being Biden.”   Continue reading “Vice President Joe Biden gets his own Internet-based reality show”