Continue reading ““You’re all a Bunch of Political Prostitutes!” Jim Traficant’s Hilarious Final Speech”
Author: Paraclete
Under the auspices of helping struggling school children to grapple with complex emotions and mental health issues, students will be screened not for their own benefit, but to further the aims of total gun control.
The Obama executive orders written in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting introduced a number of policy-laws designed to mandate mental health programs and screening, and include ‘gun talk’ as part of the deal. Continue reading “Obama’s Mental Health Screening in Schools Will ‘Disarm’ Gun Rights: “Databases to Follow Academic Career and Beyond”” – by Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC, Retired
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
Continue reading “War is a Racket”
The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith
BUFFALO, NY – Buffalo Police say they’re determined to get more guns off the streets and now they’re checking to see whether pistol permit holders have passed away and what happened to their gun or guns.
During a press conference last week regarding weapons brought in illegally from Pennsylvania, police officials told reporters their biggest problem with weapons in crimes seems to involve guns that are stolen in burglaries from homes. Continue reading “Buffalo Police Department Confiscates Guns From Widows”
NewAmericaNow – by Larken Rose, November 4, 2014
Let’s examine the ritual of voting, its purpose, and its insanity.
First, a summary of why I don’t vote: I won’t give anyone permission to rule me, and I don’t have the right to give anyone permission to rule you. Clear enough?
Imagine a country in which a self-appointed, self-perpetuating dictatorship were to swipe half of what everyone earns, as well as meddling in every aspect of common life. For the moment, ignore the fact that this could not be imposed on the country by force (due to the armed populace). What would your attitude be towards such a regime? Hatred? Willingness and eagerness to use force to stop them, and/or exterminate them? Me too. Continue reading “Why I Don’t Vote”
NewAmericaNow – by Dr. Richard Sauder
Obedience to the government, and trust in its directives, is instilled in us by the mainstream culture our whole lives. As school children, and in our university studies, we are taught about the formal structure and function of government. We are taught to accept without question what the government says and does, and to believe in its essential goodness, honesty and trustworthiness.
But part of growing up is the realization that reality is far divorced from the official story that was drilled into our heads as children and young adults. Continue reading “The Shadow Government: Of, for and by the Powers That Be”
WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve
First and foremost, let me disabuse both Marxist Democrats and RINOs of the notion that the Republicans were elected so that they could compromise and get along with the Dems to enact legislation. That is NOT what occurred 4 November 2014. These elections–both nationwide and states’ wide–were a repudiation and condemnation of big government, big spending, the US “progressive” (aka “Alinskyite”) movement and–of course–Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama; both his policies and him personally. In other words, the American people finally awakened from their long and dissatisfying slumber. Continue reading “Obama Refuses to Give Up his Dictatorship”
The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
On its official website, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (yes, that’s really a thing and yes, it is housed right here in the United States) announced that the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) “will enter into force on 24 December 2014.”
Merry Christmas!
It is ironical that on the day before the world’s 2.18 billion Christians commemorate the coming of Jesus Christ to the Earth, the United Nations will officially put into motion a plan to deny them of a right given to them by the very God whose birth they celebrate. Continue reading “Merry Christmas: UN Declares Arms Trade Treaty to Go Into Effect Dec. 24”
…Folks, keep one thing in mind, as I noted on WBAL yesterday — Obamacare could have been destroyed “at will” by the Republicans at any time since all spending must originate in the House. As a result since the Republicans have held the House since the first midterm of Obama’s Presidency they could have at any time stopped it by refusing to pass the appropriation necessary to fund it. They could have also cut off the runaway spending and thus the deficit at any time via exactly the same means, never mind the 2011 debt ceiling “fight” when an immediate and permanent end to deficit spending, and the destruction of your purchasing power that it causes, could have occurred simply by the Republicans refusing to pass a bill — that is, refusing to act instead of acting. Continue reading “Quote Of The Next Two Years”
Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan
If you’re in Michigan, you might want to see this film before you vote if possible. Because the entire story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ full fledged war on food and farm freedom is one that touches everyone’s right to unadulterated foods and the right to have a small family farm free from threats of armed raids, imprisonment and excessive fines.
Mark Baker of Baker’s Green Acres always said “No!” when it came to state orders to eradicate his 70 heritage hogs. They weren’t from CAFOs and were declared an invasive species even though they were on his farm. The state dragged him through years of court, threatened prison and imposed $700,000 in fines for harboring “ferals.” He also went through a painful embargo period – an attempt to dry up his farm and put him out of business. Over 2,000 businesses were affected by the arbitrary actions of the DNR (no lawmaking abilities) and an administration out the door. Continue reading “Watch Hogwash: The American Pig Tale, Free for a Limited Time”
Regardless of the outcome of today’s U.S. mid-term elections, there are some things that won’t change one iota. While most of America has finally come to realize what a disaster Obama’s presidency has really been in real-world terms, there are at least five other disasters looming in America’s near future. And neither Republicans nor Democrats have any real plan to deal with these issues… especially when it’s so much easier to get elected by slandering your opponent rather than proposing practical solutions. Continue reading “No matter who wins, today’s election outcome can’t stop America’s head-on course toward self-destruction”
It’s an even bet that the NPR’s Julia Simon is on the beam when she states below. “In fact, the appropriated funds never make their way directly to Egypt. “It goes to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then to a trust fund at the Treasury and, finally, out to U.S. military contractors that make the tanks and fighter jets that ultimately get sent to Egypt,” wrote Julia Simon of National Public Radio (NPR).” – – Indeed, that ‘trust fund’ is the ESF! Continue reading “The Federal Reserve is the Secret Conduit to Funnel Your Money to Foreign Govts & US Corporations”
A Bible Study by my friend Jack Kelly.
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. Luke 17:6
Abraham had waited 20 years for the son God had promised him. He and Sarah even had a son with the help of a surrogate mother, but the Lord had told him Ishmael was not the son He had promised. Finally Isaac was born, the one through whom God would bless all mankind (Genesis 21:12). But some years later, before any of these blessings came to pass, God directed Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. Though heart broken, Abraham took Isaac to the place the Lord had picked out, built an altar there and placed his son upon it (Genesis 22:1-10). Continue reading “Grounded In Reason … The Four Factors Of Faith”