Daily Caller – by Jonah Bennett

A new Gallup poll finds that support for gun control is on the decline in a major way since 2012, although the question still brings out bitter partisan divides.

Only 47 percent of Americans come out in favor of gun control, a decrease of 11 percent from 58 percent in 2012. The historic low was reached in 2011, when support for stricter gun laws fell to just 43 percent. Over a third of Americans at 38 percent polled recently by Gallup said that gun regulations are fine the way they are now, but 14 percent said they should be further loosened. When divided by political affiliations, Democrats still come out on top by far for increasing gun control.   Continue reading “Poll: Support For Gun Control Has Plummeted Since 2012”

Guerrillamerica – by John Mosby

On Sidearms.

The reality is, as has been determined over and over ad nauseum by the militaries of the world, the pistol is largely irrelevant in military/paramilitary combat. That having been said, as the man pointed out, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important to the individual soldier who suddenly needs a sidearm and happens to have one on his hip. I carried a pistol in the field from the first moment I was afforded the opportunity, and never regretted the extra weight.    Continue reading “Logistics of the Irregular Force Warfighter: Sidearms”

AmericaNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Radio talk show host and author Dr. Michael Savage has issued an ominous warning to Americans in a just-released new book: There is little time left before the nation plunges into its second Civil War. In fact, at this point, less than two weeks: If the upcoming midterm elections don’t go the right way, he says, the country is liable to fracture again.

That’s a prediction that he’s made in his tome Stop the Coming Civil War, which was published over the summer by Center Street Books. And he says one man — President Barack Obama — is principally responsible.   Continue reading “Dr. Michael Savage warns Americans have just weeks left to stop nation from collapsing into civil war”

American Mercenary

The Mosin Nagant is the longest continued service serving sniper rifle in the world, even if the longest continued manufactured rifled is the M98 Mauser.

The Russians, then Soviets, literally built millions of them, and spread them out across the world to arm Communist Guerillas from Vietnam to Central America. Beyond that, other countries used them as they wound up in the inventory for some reason or other, such as Poland, Finland, and the United States.   Continue reading “Improvised Sniper Rifles, even nation states start out pressing something into service”

https://i0.wp.com/2.bp.blogspot.com/-5kR1mJdCDOw/TvOazKSMe1I/AAAAAAAABog/-JR3K11Gzio/s1600/DSCN1269.JPG?resize=151%2C201&ssl=1Free North Carolina – by Brock Townsend

In March of 1870 General Robert E. Lee began his two-month journey to visit two family graves – daughter Annie and that of his father, “Light Horse Harry” Lee of Revolutionary War fame.  He wrote his son Fitzhugh that “I wish to witness Annie’s quiet sleep . . . and to feel that her pure spirit is waiting in bliss in the land of the blessed.”

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman

North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission   Continue reading “The Remarkable Robert E. Lee”

crisisNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

A respected report that summarizes the world economic outlook has said that record global debt could trigger a massive economic crisis that would last for years, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its global economic growth projections.

According to The Guardian and other sources, global debt has skyrocketed even though many governments (the U.S. not included) have worked to reduce public and private borrowing. Now, the renowned Geneva Report is sounding alarm bells, saying that a “poisonous combination” of rising debts and lower growth could lead to yet another global economic crisis.   Continue reading “Global economy headed for massive crisis, warns widely respected Geneva Report”

Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that it received from the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) a “Vaughn index” detailing records about the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.  The index was forced out of the Obama administration thanks to JW’s June 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and subsequent September 2012 FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 1:12-cv-01510)).  A federal court had ordered the production over the objections of the Obama Justice Department.

The document details the Attorney General Holder’s personal involvement in managing the Justice Department’s strategy on media and Congressional investigations into the Fast and Furious scandal.  Notably, the document discloses that emails between Attorney General Holder and his wife Sharon Malone – as well as his mother – are being withheld under an extraordinary claim of executive privilege as well as a dubious claim of deliberative process privilege under the Freedom of Information Act.  The “First Lady of the Justice Department” is a physician and not a government employee.   Continue reading “Obama Asserts Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim for Holder’s Wife”

The Obama Democrats want AmnestyMilitia News – by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

The ISIS threat has already been forgotten and the Ebola crisis has been dumped in the lap of the Department of Defense. Climate change has been declared to be the number one threat to our national security. The next manufactured crisis to be resolved is amnesty by fiat.

Soldiers, highly trained to fight wars only, will provide medical containment expertise, testing for Ebola, and hermetic and cremation mortuary services, in place of the local burial rites that have contributed to the rapid spread of Ebola.   Continue reading “The Obama Democrats want Amnesty for 34 Million Illegal Aliens”


I’ve talked a bit about Red, Yellow, and Green villages in Afghanistan.  They were essentially classifications we assigned to villages as part of a Village Stability Operation (VSO) in order to prioritize our efforts in turning “yellow” villages “green”.  Very briefly, red villages were decidedly anti-US/Coalition Forces OR pro-Taliban; yellow villages were mixed or indifferent; and green villages were pro-US/CF OR anti-Taliban.  We had to identify these villages, classify them, and then target for influence appropriately.  We didn’t waste time on red villages that we were unable to turn.  Instead, we focused on keeping the green villages for us, and convincing/influencing the yellow villages to support us.   Continue reading “Red Yellow Green Blue”