Author: Paraclete
DC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison
What a very sick world we live in. How can a Father disrespect his own son so much as to covet his wife? Furthermore, since the feeling is not mutual, what Father would go so far as to rape his own daughter-in-law and do it multiple times?
People keep making excuses for Islam and preach their politically correct tolerance but they fail to look at what is going on around them. This is not the religion of peace. It is the religion of pieces. Continue reading “Muslim Family Tree: Raped by Father-in-Law, Clerics Rule that Her Husband is Now Her Son”
Free North Carolina – by Mike Scruggs
It has been 238 years since the American Colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. Through the awesome Providence of God’s favor, He raised us up from insignificance and brought us through many hardships, dangers, and struggles to become the most powerful, most prosperous, and most freedom-blessed nation in the world. We have spent our tears and blood in this continuous struggle, but it was the Lord of Hosts who guided us and planted and nurtured our determination to persevere. We have raised mighty armies and mighty industries, and achieved spectacular technological advances, but it was always though His kind Providences that we succeeded in our building and in our victories. It has always been His invisible but invincible Arm that has defended us and brought confusion and defeat upon our enemies. Continue reading “While America Sleeps: The Perfect Storm Approaches”
Grace through Faith – by Jack Kelly
In the last decade or so, a number of Jewish “anti-missionary” ministries have cropped up to combat the increasing conversion of Jewish people to belief in Jesus as the Messiah of Israel. They have come on the scene because in the words of one of these ministries, “More Jews have converted to Christianity in the last 19 years than in the previous 1900.” Recently someone wrote asking me to respond to the following seven reasons that one of these ministries has published in support of their claim that Jesus cannot be the Jewish Messiah. Continue reading “Why Do Jews Reject Jesus As The Messiah?”
They can declare all they want ….. I declare “Them” to be enemies of the Republic! I declare “Them” to be a danger to society! I declare them to be a menace to the American way of life! Hence forth, I move for the motion and articles of War upon them, for they’ve declared war upon us, the American Patriot.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time …..No longer should we suffer FOOLS! No longer should we suffer Despots! No longer should we allow ourselves, and our loved ones, to be subjected to criminals! No longer should we stand by and allow these creatures to over run out Republic with like minded socialist trash! There’s nothing more to wait for, other than them having complete control, which they almost have. Continue reading “Mandatory ‘smartgun’ ‘would make every gun illegal’”
Bullets First – by Tony Olivia
Fortunately the good citizens of Milwaukee are heeding the advice of their Sheriff and arming up. Sheriff David Clarke has long been a voice of reason within his county, made ever so evident in his public service ad he ran last year:
“I’m Sheriff David Clarke and I want to talk to you about something personal: Your safety. It’s no longer a spectator sport. I need you in the game. But are you ready? With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. … Consider taking a certified safety course in handling of firearms, so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?” Continue reading “Man Saves Friends by Fighting Off 5 Attackers With His Firearm”
The thinking Patriot has known this will be the play of our enemies. Why should anyone have doubted it? So with all this in mind, let’s just dispatch these creatures now.
Abandoning his pledge to act by the end of summer, President Barack Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration until after the November congressional elections, White House officials said. Continue reading “President Obama to Delay Immigration Action”
Natural News – by Raw Michelle
Pineapple is a tasty fruit, typically enjoyed during the summertime and for its sweet, tropical flavor. However, the goodness of pineapple extends well beyond its taste, as it offers several health benefits worth exploring.
The fact that it’s listed on the World’s Healthiest Foods website says a great deal, and there, it’s noted as a way to improve overall health ranging from improving digestion to boosting the immune system. (1) At the center of its ability to bolster health is an enzyme called bromelain, which is responsible for reducing inflammation just as effectively as prescribed or over-the-counter drugs, minus the possible negative health consequences. (2) Continue reading “Health benefits of pineapple include everything from tumor reduction to digestive improvements”
Electronic cigarettes, nicknamed “e-cigs,” are devices that are available in over 3,000 American retail outlets and all over the internet. They cost anywhere between $10 and $75, depending on the type and brand, and sales have skyrocketed in the past year, exceeding $100 million. Smokers all over the world have new “bragging rights” when they switch over from regular cigarettes to e-cigs, claiming that they’re ingesting far less chemicals and polluting the environment much less all the while. While this is true, they may all be surprised to find out, from new research, that they’ve actually increased their “consumption” of some heavy metal toxins, like lead — at up to four times the amount, plus add in some nickel, zinc and chromium, thanks to the cartridge. On top of that, chromium doesn’t even exist in secondhand cigarette smoke, so there’s a new toxic factor to consider with e-cigs. Continue reading “Secondhand smoke from e-cigs is less unhealthy than traditional cigs but still contains toxic heavy metals”
American Hunter – by Jeff Johnston
Jeff Johnston has heard more than one pump-action shotgun aficionado claim to be just as fast as their semi-automatic favoring peers. Is it really possible? The BullShooters take a closer look.
The Background
In many duck blinds and on quail hunts I’ve heard some pump-gunner spout: “A good pump gun in trained hands is just as fast as an semi-automatic.”
Well, being a fan of semi-automatic shotguns like the Benelli Super Black Eagle, or an M4 that can fire 8 shots in under a second, or nearly any other one, my BullShoot-O-Meter registered red faster than a Porsche’s tachometer in a drag race. So I had to ask: Is a pump really as fast as a semi? Continue reading “Can Pump-Action Shotguns Be As Fast As Semi-Automatics?”
In past articles I have examined the nature of power and division in our society and have always come to the same conclusion, that there are only two types of people: the people who want control over others and the people who just want to be left alone. However, there are also subgroups that swim within the boundaries of each end of the spectrum. Often, psychologists and self-help gurus attempt to promote the idea that the defining quality of the average person’s life is whether he is a follower or a leader. I have seen this spectrum applied to every political and social organization. Continue reading “Why Is Independence So Frightening To Some People?”
WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve
Obama is allowing ISIL/ISIS to continue its blood lust of beheadings of Christians across the world. He has done nothing to stop it and, chillingly, has not even mentioned it except for a passing remark or two. Now, this group of Sunni Muslims (BTW…please remember that Obama’s “family” members–save one who is a conservative Christian shunned by the rest of the family–are all Sunni Muslim Brotherhood)–has beheaded 2 American journalists within the last 2 weeks. After a passing remark containing an almost ‘sorry it happened’ to the parents of beheaded journalist James Foley, Obama hurried off to make his tee time. He was later photographed high-fiving one of his golfing buddies and yucking it up on the links. Continue reading “Obama has No Intention of Stopping ISIS”
The latest U.S. intelligence estimates say that more than 100 Americans have joined the jihad in Syria to fight alongside Sunni terrorists there.
Americans ISIS members still have their passports and can still return to the United States. They can even cross the southern border with ease, and they can even fly into any international airport by gaming the failed U.S. immigration system.
According to reports, some ISIS members claim to be in major US cities already. After alleged Islamic terrorists threatened Chicago and Washington D.C., on Twitter, the government is begging local police to remain vigilant. Continue reading “Former INS Agent: ‘Lindsey Graham’s Solution to Fixing This Problem Should Get Him the MVP Award From ISIS’”
Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith
Marina Lambrou, owner of the Boston Pizzeria on Woodruff Road, said she knew some of her customers had permits to carry concealed weapons before the law changed in February to allow permit holders to take their guns into establishments that serve alcohol.
Lambrou chose not to prohibit guns, and she said the issue hasn’t been a problem.
Continue reading “In Greenville, S.C., No Issues As Gun Owners Dine Out With Guns”
On March 24 of this year, I wrote a story entitled Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story.
In that story, I wrote:
…it now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon. Whoever took control of Flight 370 now has a massive stealth weapon which an incredibly long flight range. This aircraft can now be outfitted with nuclear weapons and dispatched to almost any desirable target anywhere in the world, including cities like New York and Washington D.C., unfortunately. Continue reading “Military intelligence confirms Natural News warning: Twelve missing commercial jets may now be deployed as weapons against U.S. cities”
COLUMBUS, Ind. –Columbus Police said they’ve never had anything like it – three churches vandalized in the same night.
Someone spray painted them on the outside. It’s the words used, though, that have some people asking if this was more than a prank.
“It was just one word. It said ‘Infidels!’” Father Doug Marcotte said of what was spray painted on Saint Bartholomew’s Catholic Church in Columbus overnight Saturday. Continue reading “3 Columbus churches vandalized with graffiti overnight”
The US government’s web of surveillance is vast and interconnected. Now we know just how opaque, inefficient and discriminatory it can be.
As we were reminded again just this week, you can be pulled into the National Security Agency’s database quietly and quickly, and the consequences can be long and enduring. Through ICREACH, a Google-style search engine created for the intelligence community, the NSA provides data on private communications to 23 government agencies. More than 1,000 analysts had access to that information. Continue reading “The U.S. Government Can Brand You a Terrorist Based on a Facebook Post”
On the Charles Carroll Society (CCS) we have a regular segment we called theJackboot of the Week. It is where we try, in our small way give tribute to the victims of the Police State. I have changed the focus of the Jackboot for a few weeks, because documenting Police State excesses gets depressing. Marvin Louis Guy age 50 sounds like a drug user. He had a “glass pipe” in his house (according to police). Now, he had no drugs in his home or car, but he or the “49 year old woman” living in his home had a glass pipe, a laptop and a radio, but no drugs. What he did have was weapons and the will to use them in defense of his home. Apparently he has paid attention, and he likes the shotgun. Pistols suck. Continue reading “Jackboot of the week: When Marvin Louis Guy met Police employees Charles Dinwiddie, Odis Denton Killeen Police Department, Texas”