Old Glory 2The Liberty Beacon – by Ron Ewart

Oh how simple it was to subjugate the American people.  All it took was for Americans to think that their government was honest and trustworthy and would not break their solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God.  But the cold, hard truth is, a government not held to that oath by the Consent of the Governed, is a government that will seek, by any means, absolute power.  We have 5,000 years of human history to prove that a government, left to its own resources, will, in the end, completely subjugate all who fall under its reign, unless the people surround government’s power with significant limits.   Continue reading “Be You Sovereign, Or Be You Slave?”

5b16f89720411dd1cf5fcf5fd3877e5e_MThe New American – by Thomas R. Eddlem

Prominent celebrities and leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus have endorsed a major nationalization of local police forces with an August 25 letter to President Obama, calling for creation of a federal police “czar” and greater federal controls over law enforcement in the wake of the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting and protests.

“The Administration must appoint a federal Czar,” the letterstates, “housed in the U.S. Department of Justice, who is specifically tasked with promoting the professionalization of local law enforcement, monitoring egregious law enforcement activities, and adjudicating suspicious actions of local law enforcement agencies that receive federal funding.”    Continue reading “Celebrities, Congressional Black Caucus: Let’s Nationalize Police”

diseases in long term survival situationsSHTF School – by Selco

There are great concerns about possible Ebola pandemic spreading outside Africa, media is bombarding us with this information. We also have ongoing discussion with interesting updates on our forum.

You can read all sorts of information online, like possible reasons for fast spreading in Africa including religious beliefs and rituals there where people handled bodies without proper knowledge, contributing to the fast spreading. They also say that lack of general knowledge about diseases, hygiene and eating bush meat along with lack of training of local medical professionals caused the mess. Interesting to read, no doubt.   Continue reading “How to deal with diseases in long term survival situations”

ABC News – by Christopher Sherman, AP

McAllan Texas – A Border Patrol agent pursuing a group of immigrants in a wooded area near the Texas-Mexico border on Friday fired several shots at an armed man who later identified himself as a militia member.

Border Patrol spokesman Omar Zamora said agents had been chasing a group of immigrants east of Brownsville Friday afternoon when an agent saw a man holding a gun near the Rio Grande. The agent fired four shots, but did not hit the man. The man then dropped his gun and identified himself as a member of a militia. Zamora said no other details were immediately available.   Continue reading “Border Patrol Agent Fires at Armed Militia MemberBorder Patrol Agent Fires at Armed Militia Member”

vaccineNatural News – by Mike Adams

CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See the full statement reprinted below.)

The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:      Continue reading “CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement”

Tactical Day Bag EDCUS Crow – by Ron Hardin

Throughout the prepper, militia, and readiness blogs and websites there runs a common thread. That thread centers around a come as you are scenario. The possibility that you will have any notice is slim and none. This is why I keep wondering about who is writing the articles that call for you to return home and secure your BOB (Bug Out Bag) and depart to that place of safety you have chosen in “A Safe Place” versus jamming out with your day bag.

The idea I am writing about is only because I can’t find my copy of the original written years ago by a smarter guy than I am. The information though has been incorporated into my plans so I will share them here. The concept of a day bag came from his wife’s purse. He watched on day as she put in three pairs of nail clippers, three nail files, an extra comb, two of the same lipsticks, and 4 hankies. She caught him watching and asked what was wrong. He asked why so much and so many? Her answer was the key to all preppers. What happens if I can’t come home before I go to a party. What if???   Continue reading “What to put in your EDC Tactical Day Bag”

Zero Hedge – by Dmitry Orlov via ClubOrlov blog

With regard to the goings-on in Ukraine, I have heard quite a few European and American voices piping in, saying that, yes, Washington and Kiev are fabricating an entirely fictional version of events for propaganda purposes, but then so are the Russians. They appear to assume that if their corporate media is infested with mendacious, incompetent buffoons who are only too happy to repeat the party line, then the Russians must be same or worse.   Continue reading “Summarizing The West’s Russia-Ukraine Propaganda”

President Obama appears to bow to Saudi King Abdullah, on April 1, 2009, in London WND – by Garth Kant

WASHINGTON – It’s an explosive charge, one that practically accuses the president of treason.

A former CIA agent bluntly told WND, America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama.

Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have confided to WND in private, but declined to say on-the-record.    Continue reading “CIA expert: Obama switched sides in war on terror”

CummingsIndependent Sentinel

IRS targeting-advocate, Rep. Elijah Cummings, pictured below, and his Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members, sent a letter Monday to President Obama demanding a police czar and national regulations that would in effect nationalize local police forces.

“The administration must quickly establish a national commission to review existing police policies and practices,” the letter reads. “And identify the best policies and practices that can prevent more Fergusons and vastly improve policing in communities across the nation.”   Continue reading “Elijah Cummings’ Plan for a Police State Run by a Federal Czar”

Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

I have previously attempted to explain and rebuke the pacifist sickness that affects the Christian Church, but it seems that the examples of said sickness are sadly numerous and still surfacing.  Apparently, many Christian leaders would rather see their parishioners and congregants beheaded than defended.

The Kurdish government wants to give weapons to Iraqi Christians so that they can defend themselves, but there are (not surprisingly) Christian leaders who are actually against the giving of arms.

Continue reading “Christian Leaders Say No To Christian Militia”

Ferguson Riots and Bundy Ranch Showdown - Signs of an Approaching a Breaking PoiSCG News

If you don’t immediately see the connection between the armed showdown that took place in Nevada this past year, and the riots taking place right now in Ferguson Missouri, look closer. The demographic makeup of the crowds are obviously very different, and the lines of support and demonization have largely split along the fault line of left vs right, however both events illustrate just how close the American public is to a breaking point, and both events demonstrate that law enforcement’s reliance on brute force in such situations has the effect of throwing gasoline on a fire.   Continue reading “Ferguson Riots and Bundy Ranch Showdown – Signs of an Approaching Breaking Point”

Fox News – by Doug McKelway

Lois Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun its probe into IRS targeting of conservative groups, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration.

Thomas Kane, Deputy Assistant Chief Counsel for the IRS, wrote in the declaration, part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the IRS, that the Blackberry was “removed or wiped clean of any sensitive or proprietary information and removed as scrap for disposal in June 2012.”   Continue reading “Lois Lerner’s Blackberry deliberately destroyed after start of congressional probe: IRS lawyer”