Sipsey Street Irregulars – by Dutchman 6

The ‘definitive glossary of modern US military slang’ defines “Speedball” as: A body bag filled with supplies, usually ammunition and bottled water, dropped from a plane or helicopter to resupply soldiers far afield or in dire need.

Michael Yon describes the use of “Body Bags & Speedballs” in Afghanistan here.

Body bags as speedballs in Afghanistan.

Some folks have even designed specially drop-resistant bags for re-use as in Bulldog Equipment’s – Speedball Bag. (Be sure and watch the short video where the ammo cans within the bag fail the long drop, but the bag does not.)   Continue reading “Praxis: Improvised Resupply By “Speedball.””

Free North Carolina – by Jeffrey Hardin

When Poppa was stationed at Quantico Va. and then Paris Island Beaufort SC while in the Marine Corp, they, the schools, tried to forced me and two other siblings to go to speech therapy classes because they claimed our deep NC accents couldn’t be understood!

Momma’s people the McBees, McBeths and Dedmon’s Scot-Irish who came out of the Appalachians, have a deep blend of Southern & Gaelic accents, and Poppas folks, have rich Southern Appalachian accents, they came from out of Tennessee and Smokey mountains, finally settling in York SC in the mid 60s…   Continue reading “Southern Accents, pay attention Yankees”

Hamburger29-201x300The Imaginative Conservative – by Bruce Frohnen

Few Americans spend much time thinking about the vagaries of administrative law—the rules and procedures our government uses in formulating and enforcing regulations—let alone its effects on our lives and liberties. Anyone warning of the imminent demise of Americans’ liberties is likely to be dismissed as a kook. Anyone claiming to find such dangers in the actions of fussy little bureaucrats toiling in the bowels of federal agencies most likely would be simply laughed at.

Philip Hamburger, a distinguished legal historian teaching at Columbia Law School, has no alarmist, overwrought story to tell. Nonetheless, his latest book is intended to spark reconsideration among lawyers, political scientists, and educated citizens about the effects of administrative law on American government and on Americans’ rights and liberties. His central point: Administrative law is—not tends toward, not encourages, but in itself is—a form of arbitrary power inconsistent with our traditions of ordered liberty.   Continue reading “A Return to Absolute Power?”

pandemicNatural News – by Mike Adams

In response to the severity of the global Ebola outbreak, we’ve just launched, a site that exclusively hosts a FREE online audio course that shares lifesaving pandemic preparedness secrets. I’m the author of the multi-part audio course, and in it I share the most urgent and lifesaving information about pandemic preparedness that no government, conventional media outlet or health authority will dare discuss.   Continue reading “Health Ranger launches FREE online pandemic preparedness audio course at – listen NOW”

101130_maxine_waters_ap_328Conservative Infidel – by Amy Elizabeth

So much for the oath Maxine Waters swore to protect. The Qur’an states 1: “Fight Those Who Do Not Believe” (Surah 9:29) fighting people that don’t believe. Don’t make Allies with Jews and Christians 5:51

There’s no place in our Constitution that talks about Allah. This is America we believe in freedom, liberty and human rights. If you want to practice Sharia Law, Go back to where you came from. This is a direct conflict with our first amendment rights in the US Consistution.   Continue reading “Unbelievable Maxine Waters calls Americans against Sharia Law BIGOTS”

The Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

Bill Nye is that guy who’s not a scientist but plays one on TV. For the entertainment of little kids.

For some reason, that’s all that’s needed to qualify him as some sort of authority on the subject of science, particularly when it comes to climate science and evolution (which isn’t even science). If you believe in fairy tales like evolution or manmade global warming or atheism, absolutely no credentials are needed to be considered an authority. Your beliefs qualify you sufficiently.   Continue reading “Bill Nye: Only Science Deniers Oppose Common Core Curriculum”

Refugee Resettlement Watch – by Ann Corcoran

Update:  First Syrian family to arrive in Greensboro living in hotel, here.

This is follow-up story to our post of a few days ago where we learned that Syrians are arriving in the Triad area of North Carolina.  Resettlement contractor World Relief/Evangelicals expects 30-100 this next year (the fiscal year begins October 1).     Continue reading “More on those Syrian refugees going to North Carolina” North Carolina

“…….. they have already been hard at working removing them.”

No truer words have been said…exactly.

When we heard all the hype about Obama building a Citizen military, I said then it wasn’t going to happen, in that he didn’t have to build anything, all he had to do was dismantle what was already in place, and replace it with his own personnel, to do that, fire (replace) the existing Patriots with Obama loyalists, wouldn’t cost a dime and it could be done in a matter of a few years… Continue reading “On getting rid of Patriotic Officers”

Remember President Obama Committed Open TreasonMilitia News

In 2009, when the president of the United States, Barack H. Obama accepted rotating status as chairman of the United Nations Security Council, he committed high treason. . . for this is a direct violation of article 1 section 9 clause 7 of the Constitution for the United States of America, which states emphatically:

“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall without consent of Congress accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”   Continue reading “Remember President Obama Openly Committed High Treason”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

You’ll recall one member of Barack Obama’s Sharia and Homeland Security advisors Mohamed Elibiary from past articles here at Freedom Outpost. Elibiary not only claimed that America is an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution and believes that Islam is the antidote to terrorism. Last week, amid the claims that a terrorist threat was likely on the US-Mexican border by ISIS, the Islamic imam resigned his post as Homeland Security advisor to head down south to… Texas. The timing could not be more suspect.   Continue reading “Obama’s Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Homeland Security Advisor Resigns – Heads to Texas”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

While many assume wrongly that when we post articles against Islam or informing the public about what Islamists are advancing in or against the US we are pushing a spirit of fear, we are not. We simply put out the information so that people can be aware and alert as to what is going on and respond appropriately. Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter has done just that. He’s heard the information and now he has a message for members of ISIS who wish to cross our borders and engage in terrorism: We’ll send you to hell.   Continue reading “Texas Sheriff to ISIS: Rear Your Head Here & We’ll Send You to Hell”

National Journal – by Brendan Sasso

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to give federal regulators sweeping new powers over Internet access.

The move is necessary, she said Monday, to save net neutrality and protect Internet users. But Republicans and business groups warn that applying utility-style regulations to the Internet would strangle economic growth and ultimately mean worse Internet service.   Continue reading “Nancy Pelosi Backs Controversial Internet Powers to Save Net Neutrality”

The Second Amendment guarantees our right to bear arms - and no lesser jurisdiction can interfere with that.Conservative News and Views – by DWIGHT KEHOE

Many active supporters of the 2nd Amendment have spent endless hours gathering information on the benefits of an armed population.  They have presented incalculable amounts of data which prove beyond any doubt that people are safer if law-abiding citizens are not prevented from protecting themselves and their families from the many dregs of human debris which stalk our society.   Continue reading “Muslim Invasion Coming”

Immediately after shot.This will “defeat” most critics of military curved plates vs other forms of armor when it comes to the “Spall” argument. I highly endorse the curved Patriot Plate with the condor carrier and these spall guards.

Very reasonably priced when compared to many other forms of body armor. Get them while you can ………………

D-Armor Gear

As many of my readers know by now, steel plates offer tremendous advantages (low cost, extreme durability/multiple hits, thin profile), but do suffer from issues with front-face spall (fragmentation caused by defeated rounds) and weight. Most solutions that attempt to address this issue exacerbate the weight, and negate the advantage of a thin profile. Continue reading “Shoot Test: Version 4.2.3 Spall Guard and Maingun Patriot Plate”

How Preppers Can Survive in the CityUS Crow – by Ryan

Most usCrow articles encourage preppers to bug out if they’re in the city, but what if you can’t? This article will give you plenty of tips on how you can survive in the city. As with all our articles we suggest you evaluate your situation. Reality is – most people will be unable to leave the city. Many preppers have to stay in the city, and rely on it for their livelihood. Others might have family members with physical disabilities inhibiting their ability to bug out.

Regardless of your individual situation you should be fully aware of the risks associated with bugging in so that you may be adequately informed. No matter the disaster your city faces – the result will be the same for one simple fact; American cities are incapable of sustaining themselves. Cities across the nation will succumb to a systematic breakdown…   Continue reading “How Preppers Can Survive in The City”

(Source: Facebook video)Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Tell us again, Moms Demand Action, why we shouldn’t have the right to defend ourselves from brutal and senseless assaults like this when we go out in public.

A Kroger employee tells WMC Action News 5 that the attack happened at the Kroger near Highland Street and Poplar Avenue. Continue reading “This, Shannon Watts, Is Why We Need Guns To Go Grocery Shopping”

Al Gore's Climate Calculations Prove Wrong — AgainWe’re reminded when we look at the plans the communists are using to dismantle our Republic, that they’ll waist much of our money, as they discredit our founding documents. At the same time causing the general public to lose faith in our system.

Igore apparently is part of this mission, which he willingly and gladly takes on. For as he administers his role, he hopes to set himself up as one of the ruling elites.   Continue reading “Al Gore’s Climate Calculations Prove Wrong — Again”