Bailout BONUS Bonanza Going Bonkers … Again!

The Great Recession

The banks that are begging for bailouts still cling to their bonuses. To terrorize us into letting them keep their bonuses, the banksters are threatening to release the button on their suicide vests and blow themselves up by not taking the bailouts if they can’t have their bonuses.

You would think the response to that would be a no-brainer: “O.K. Go ahead.” Then just walk off. Watch, however, as the European Central Bank Supervisory Board Chair pretends to be getting firm with the banks because it’s so important that we bail them out on their terms: (The first two-minutes-and-twenty-seconds are all you need listen to. Any more could cause medically unnecessary nausea or brain injury as he goes to say that his recommended conservative measures are “not reflecting a specific fragility” in the European banking system at present. No, there’s none of that. All is well in Bailout Bonus Bonanzaland. They’re just doing unnecessary bailouts.)

The main thing to catch is that even Europe lacks the resolve to demand that banks receiving bailouts stop executive bonuses. Instead, they are asking for “restraint.” You’d think bonuses in failing banks would be a bailout nonstarter. Instead, Europe is just encouraging banks to “be very moderate” on bonuses because some bonuses were already guaranteed.

Read the rest here:

One thought on “Bailout BONUS Bonanza Going Bonkers … Again!

  1. “The banks that are begging for bailouts still cling to their bonuses. To terrorize us into letting them keep their bonuses, the banksters are threatening to release the button on their suicide vests and blow themselves up by not taking the bailouts if they can’t have their bonuses.”

    We the people DEMAND you do so you International Corporate Mafia motherf***ers! Anyone who expects these psychopathic sub-human garbage to “restrain” themselves is crazy in their own right. It’s like asking a serial rapist to live a celibate lifestyle for the good of their victims.

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