Bastrop Co. addresses ‘Jade Helm 15’ concerns

KVUE – by Amber Downing

SMITHVILLE, Texas — Homeowners in Bastrop County gathered Monday to express their opposition to special forces warfare training exercises in 17 cities across the southwestern United States, including Smithville.

Jade Helm 15 is a military training exercise involving 60 members to be held on private property volunteered by property owners, and the U.S. Army says residents will have little contact with the military. The exercise is described as an unconventional yet realistic Army training operation that would have special forces troops traversing six states across the southwest.  

“All I want to makes sure is that our guys are trained for combat overseas. That is it,” said Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, spokesperson for the Army. “For this and for the training tasks at hand, you need large rural area with access to towns as well, because we have to practice some of the logistics that go along with it.”

Bastrop County residents are questioning the exercise after map for the training exercise shows parts of California and all of Utah and Texas as “hostile territories.”

“The people of Bastrop do not want this,” shouted one citizen Monday morning at a special Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting.

“Whether (Lastoria is) being honest or not about what’s going to happen, I guess we’ll see,” said Christy Callahan.

Despite asking questions for hours Monday morning into the afternoon, some don’t believe the answers.

“I’m hoping that they will uninvite [sic] this military training,” said Terry Wareham.

Despite the the public’s concern, Lastoria said the training event won’t be canceled, unless the United States goes to war and the military is needed elsewhere.

“You just are not going to satisfy people,” said Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape. “(The meeting) was not about changing anybody’s mind. This was about sharing information.”

The training operation is scheduled to take place from July 15 to Sept. 15.

8 thoughts on “Bastrop Co. addresses ‘Jade Helm 15’ concerns

  1. Well Mr. Army nut, your training sessions should be done on your own property and NOT AMONGST CIVILIANS…. you know this, therefore I presume you are full of shit.

    I don’t recall anyone asking WE THE PEOPLE if we are willing to be inconvenienced to the tune of the military invading our cities.

    Do your training ON BASE, where it has always been done.
    Or use one of those “fake cities” you spent millions building for the purpose “of training”.

    I smell a bunch of rats.

  2. Notice how they said that this meeting was simply for people to get info and not to change anyone’s minds? Translation, “you can bitch all you want but we are going to do it anyway.”

    1. Exactly Sharon, caught that statement also.
      People need to stop being sheep and begging these people to stop things. The mentality of being a sovreign has not sunk into folks. We tell them what we want, after all, they are our employees, right?!

  3. ““All I want to makes sure is that our guys are trained for combat overseas. That is it,” said Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, spokesperson for the Army. “For this and for the training tasks at hand, you need large rural area with access to towns as well, because we have to practice some of the logistics that go along with it.””

    It amazes me how you became a Lt. Col. or even passed basic training, you dumbass, because apparently you’ve never been on a BASE before, since THAT IS WHERE THE TRAINING IS DONE AND IS WHAT THEY ARE FOR!!! DUH!!!!


  4. “”You just are not going to satisfy people,” said Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape. “(The meeting) was not about changing anybody’s mind. This was about sharing information.””

    Typical. We are going to do it anyways without the consent of the American people. Must have been one of them Delphi meetings.

    Hang every last one of them treasonous bastards! 😡

  5. Mind you all that Bastrop County is the same county that had that huge forest fire a few years ago that burnt down half the forest in the area and now these bastards want to train there and burn down the rest of the town? HELL NO!

  6. They military can train on the military bases or in those mock town that have been built just for this purpose!! There is no need to train in our cities and on our private lands!!
    . . .

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