Biden Energy Adviser Hochstein: We Need to Limit Oil Production ‘to Accelerate the Transition’

Breitbart – by Trent Baker

On Tuesday, Biden energy adviser Amos Hochstein sounded off about the president considering declaring a climate emergency that would allow him to limit drilling in the United States.

Hochstein told CNN’s “New Day” that the Biden administration had “been clear that we want to see the U.S. industry increase oil production” but said it was important to limit the production “to make sure that we’re in a better footing to accelerate the transition” to green energy.

“I think we have been clear that we want to see the U.S. industry increase oil production,” Hochstein outlined.

“[I]t is about making a choice between what is the short-term and the medium-term so that we can make sure we have enough oil and gas to support us through the transition, and what are the kind of steps that we don’t want the oil and gas industry to take that would have long-term consequences when we don’t want new major projects that would take 20, 30 years to become profitable,” he continued. “So, we have to make that differentiation to make sure that the American consumer has what it needs … to grow our economy and the global economy, but not take steps and endanger the climate work that we’re trying to do to make sure that we’re in a better footing to accelerate the transition.”

5 thoughts on “Biden Energy Adviser Hochstein: We Need to Limit Oil Production ‘to Accelerate the Transition’

  1. They really are racing, no accelerating now, towards their global goal at breakneck speed & doing whatever it takes to get there! Will anyone actually fell some trees across their road so their machine is sent crashing into a painfully catastrophic fireball of all-consuming death or are we actually all just going to let them speed on in to their finish line unheeded to take their prize while we & our children all suffer for eternity as a consequence?

    (Obviously a question for all the sheep out there, not you guys around here 😉 )

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