Christian Science Monitor Staff Taking Drugs?

Since the Christian Science Monitor doesn’t allow comments in its articles, I emailed them the following letter, in the hopes they’ll clarify what it is they are babbling about.

They must be on some kind of mind-altering substance, as evidenced by this article:  

Why US must stop Russian missiles for Syria

Here’s just one paragraph from that brainwashing slop:

America has long anchored its foreign policy in moral terms, usually to protect people in harm’s way or to promote universal rights. “We are the force for progress, prosperity, and peace,” said Hillary Rodham Clinton as she left the State Department in February.

In the CSM’s story,  “Why US must stop Russian missiles for Syria,” CSM talks about a USA foreign policy that is foreign to me, specifically this line:   “…foreign policy in moral terms, usually to protect people in harm’s way or to promote universal rights” what foreign policy are you talking about?

Maybe the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Iran in 1953, which led to the formation of one of the nastiest secret police services, the SAVAK?

The blood-soaked rampage against Vietnam, from the 1950’s to 1975, built upon numerous lies pushed by various presidents and hyped by the media?

The thuggish policy we launched against S. America in the 1970’s or the murderous one we pushed in C. America in the 1980’s?

Maybe you’re talking about the sanctions we put against Iraq in the 1990’s that led to the death of over 500,000 Iraqi children?  Or maybe the no-fly zone against Libya two years ago that resulted in 22,000 bombing sorties against that nation, destroying the infrastructure, and killing over 50,000 Libyans?

Or maybe the war we launched against Spain in the late 1890’s that saw US sponsored blood-baths from Cuba to the Philippines?

Or the blind support for the genocidal policies of Apartheid Israel?

Maybe the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, which resulted in the deaths of over one million Iraqi’s, the wounding of millions more and the destruction of a nation that had a vibrant economy? Again, lies used to invade Iraq were put out by the White House and dutifully repeated by the MSM.

I could refer you to this link, that documents the number of nations the USA has bombed since 1945:

Please enlighten me as to those benign foreign policies you’re referring to, since I’m drawing a blank.

Greg Bacon
Missouri, USA

8 thoughts on “Christian Science Monitor Staff Taking Drugs?

  1. Greg Bacon, I like it when a man speaks the truth and doesn’t try to sugar coat anything to make it more palatable. Does anyone have to wonder why we are loathed in so many countries. The greatest threat to our national security is what stares us in the face every day from our bathroom mirror. We allow these dual citizenship Israeli mossad to run our foreign policy. It’s time we kick some ass.

  2. ya just can never tell…..but here’s a good indication…

    ‘Christian’ and ‘Science’…….they just don’t add up 😉

  3. I was raised a Christian, although I no longer attend church, but I remember what the church taught back then.

    We were supposed to feed the hungry, tend to the sick and shelter the homeless, not advocate for endless wars, like the CSM is doing.

    Guess I’m just out of touch.

  4. My Fellow Americans,

    CSM – C-ommunists S-ans M-orals

    The propaganda machine is in overload mode!

    This is all coming apart on them,.. they NEED WW3 to start,… NOW! Before MORE Americans wake up!

    JD – US Marines – I smell fear coming from the NWO’s corner………

  5. To Greg B–Now you have a better idea as to why the Christian Science Monitor doesn’t allow comments.

    As far as the Monitor’s biased interpretation of American foreign policy… just consider the source. Are these people taking drugs? No, they are naturally and intentionally asinine.

  6. “America has long anchored its foreign policy in moral terms, usually to protect people in harm’s way or to promote universal rights.” They’re saying they anchor themselves ‘in moral terms’ to justify causes of war. We all know war is started with lies and they can’t hide behind moral terms to justify open murder for profit which ultimately all war comes down to. Did you expect CSM to call the US government amoral in order for them to find morals? They called the Russian government amoral because the US government is doing the same thing. It’s hypocrisy and they pointed it out.

  7. They probably also promote Israhell as ‘God’s Chosen People’.

    I honestly wouldn’t know, as I never read anything from that site, but I’m guessing that’s a good bet.

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