Comrade Bill de Blasio Announces Snitch Line for New Yorkers to Tell on Social Distance Rule Breakers

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

New York City now has its own snitch line!

Earlier this week socialist New York City Mayor Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters New York City will not reopen until July or August AT THE EARLIEST!

Now the good Mayor de Blasio is encouraging his serfdom to snitch on their neighbors for breaking the social distancing rules.
This is straight out of the Marxist handbook.

Here’s the first complaint from last night…

Gateway Pundit


5 thoughts on “Comrade Bill de Blasio Announces Snitch Line for New Yorkers to Tell on Social Distance Rule Breakers

  1. People look at me funny when I now refer to them as “comrade”. I say it to wake them up, but they do not comprehend the weight of such a moniker.
    If I had a PA loudspeaker on my car, I’d love to shame all the livestock lined up to hoard toilet paper, in perfect alignment for a firing squad.
    Can a body get so infected with parasites that survival is not feasible? We may be close to, or have gotten to that point of hopelessness where nothing left is worth saving. If a vehicle is rotted, broken and missing vital parts, it is not worth the efforts to arrive at an unacceptable final result. As more and more people don stupid masks, gloves and civic pride in “togetherness propaganda”, my heart sinks to new levels of shame for my countrymen who are too happy to tow the commie line.
    My best friend of over 50 years is dutifully cowering in place as his job called him back, but he wants to wait for the governor to give the “all clear” before he ventures back out into the cruel world. He says my assertion that encyclopedias have reference-able subjects (definition of a virus) is a belief system to which he does not ascribe. TV news is his portal to information of serious content and the internet is for porn, selling stuff and solitare.
    I am as ready as ever, let’s get this show on the road!

    1. “Can a body get so infected with parasites that survival is not feasible? We may be close to, or have gotten to that point of hopelessness where nothing left is worth saving.”
      “As more and more people don stupid masks, gloves and civic pride in “togetherness propaganda”, my heart sinks to new levels of shame for my countrymen who are too happy to tow the commie line.”

      F-king horseshit. Our country is the most awesome place on earth, we’ve just allowed it to be cluttered with trash. You move the trash and you have it back like it was, paradise.
      Never thought I’d hear defeatism out of you, especially when the momentum has shifted to our side.
      As for your friend, if it was my friend, I would tell him he is a coward who would put his life above liberty, that he has no place in this country, and that he isn’t my f-king friend but rather is guilty of aiding and abetting in treason and sedition which I intend to see ended and everybody like him hung.
      I went to town yesterday. I saw no more people wearing masks than I did two weeks prior, about 12-18% of the people. Last week, I laughed at and ridiculed several people to the point that they removed their masks so I would quit laughing at them.
      Things are moving our way and I see encouraging signs as more and more Americans are openly proclaiming that they will not comply with unlawful orders being given in an act of treason and sedition and in violation of the supreme ratified law of this land.
      I’ve always pretty much agreed with your comments but I will not tolerate defeatism. I f-king can’t, it is not a part of the true American national’s vocabulary. Those putting on the masks and the gloves are just ignorant cowards who are of no threat to me. If they would be lapdogs or cowards they are not going to risk their lives to stop the American nationals from enforcing the law. They are like a flock of chickens that would just run in any direction. And again, no matter what anyone tries to say, their ignorance and cowardice is irrelevant as I do not fear combat with those who specialize in the ancient Oriental art of Runfu.
      F-k ’em and f-k this defeatism, especially when it has become blatantly clear that the men with balls in this country are going to clean their clocks and they have nothing close to what it would take to stop us.

      1. Thanks Henry. I asked a question and your answer gave me renewed resolve, I don’t like to say hope.
        The situation in this region was far too liberal and as such, is largely complying with the governor. This is the only site that has any sense to it.
        Thanks again. I am not defeated, just needed that slap. 😉

  2. I’m actually surprised by the amount of people who are doing this and being so open about it.. I won’t be surprised at all if I hear a story in the coming days of someone in the wrong town being a rat, and their house getting burned to the ground. That’s what needs to happen to these people.

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