Cop Facing Dozens of Charges of Sexual Assault Wants His Job Back

rapist-copFree Thought Project – by John Vibes

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City police officer accused of raping a very many women while on duty, is now trying to get his job back.

Last year, Holtzclaw was suspended from the police force after several different women had accused him of raping them. He was not officially fired until last month; now he is trying to get his job back.  

This week, Holtzclaw’s lawyers met with the Fraternal Order of Police to request a grievance and ask to have his punishment overturned, but his request was unanimously denied.

In the letter announcing Holtzclaw’s termination, Oklahoma City Police Chief William Citty said “Your offenses committed against women in our community constitute the greatest abuse of police authority I have witnessed in my 37 years as a member of this agency. These violations more than warrant your termination from the Oklahoma City Police Department.”

Until his official termination on January 8th, Holtzclaw continued to receive a paycheck from the police department, even while he was in jail.

Just months ago we reported that while behind bars, Holtzclaw had a GoFund me support page that somehow managed to raise over $7,000. After the page was taken down due to complaints, Holtzclaw, and his family began gathering donations directly.

The family claims that these accusations against him are lies. However considering that there were a minimum of 13 victims, many of whom were strangers to one another, it is highly unlikely that he was wrongfully accused.

After Holtzclaw was fired, his family made the following post on his support page:

There is no surprise to the termination announced by the Chief of Police since the arrest and Press Release in August 2014 basically convicting him in the press and ensuring a tainted jury pool, prior to any trial or even the preliminary hearing. It is clear these officials, who are sworn to ensure a fair and judicial system do not believe in innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

It appears that his political grandstanding using his 37 years of law enforcement to fuel the misinformed advocates and media frenzy is really the motive behind his willingness to release his personal opinions and information in a personnel employment termination letter to the media.

Daniel continues to deny any of these false and outrageous allegations and is looking forward to his day in court where the truth will be given and we pray for an unbiased and a fair jury can be found.

Holtzclaw is facing 36 different charges, including rape, sexual battery, oral sodomy, indecent exposure, stalking, and burglary. If convicted on all counts, Holtzclaw could face life in prison.

John Vibes is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war. In addition to his writing and activist work he is also the owner of a successful music promotion company. In 2013, he became one of the organizers of the Free Your Mind Conference, which features top caliber speakers and whistle-blowers from all over the world. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. You can find his 65 chapter Book entitled “Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance” at



6 thoughts on “Cop Facing Dozens of Charges of Sexual Assault Wants His Job Back

  1. the police and the media are one in the same. you think they couldn’t pull off something like this especially women who i’m guessing were mostly arrestees? its easy for them to frame someone. not that I can say this is the case with this guy. we had our own local scumbag whose family stood by him or at least that’s what the media reported. I wonder how that family’s doing today now that the media blitz died down and they were able to think on it a little more. wife probably divorced him. of course, the media will never cover that update to the story.

  2. “Just months ago we reported that while behind bars, Holtzclaw had a GoFund me support page that somehow managed to raise over $7,000.”

    jew donors.

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