Coronacommies: Your Papers Please! USA City Set’s Up Police Checkpoints To Cancel Thanksgiving & To Verify ‘Essential Activity’

News Thud – by Paul Goldberg

What the hell is going on in America!?

New Jersey’s largest city, Newark has set up Police checkpoints on the roads coming into the city demanding people show proof of resident and proof they are doing an “essential activity.”

Mayor Ras Baraka is locking his city down like no other in the country. 

“I know you want to have fun, but now is not the time for fun. We have to stay focused, we have to do what’s right,” said Mayor Baraka.

“We want people to shelter in place. We want to be able to do that for 10 days, and we want only folks to come out for essential purposes. That’s what we want,” Baraka said.

All Newark residents are being forced to stay at home for 10 days, from November 25th until December 4th.

CBS 2 reports:

The curfews are in place in three zip codes, and citywide, non-essential businesses must close at 8 p.m. nightly.

“We need that because we have too much cases over here, we have to take care,” said Newark resident Odalma Lisser. “The people don’t listen.”

From 8 p.m. Friday until Saturday at 3 a.m., and then again overnight Saturday, people will only be allowed to go through the area if they show proof of residency and proof they’re doing an essential activity.

“The weekends, there’s a lot of people,” a woman named Marie said.

Police cars were blasting reminders while driving through the area Friday.

“Due to a rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases in your area, a 9 p.m. curfew has been put into effect,” the reminder said.

A resident on the ground responding to a social media post described what it is like.

At this point, it looks like these tyrannical political leaders are just trying to one-up each other.

Pretty soon we are going to start looking like what happened in Shanghai, China after two airport employees tested positive for COVID-19. They shut down the entire airport, meaning no one can leave. There are 100,000 people locked down in an airport until they are tested.

Communism is the real virus and COVID-19 is how it’s spreading.


News Thud

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