Court Rules Against Christian Professor Who Refused to Use Trans Student’s Preferred Pronouns

The New America – by Raven Clabough

Social Justice mania continues to infringe on First Amendment rights as an Ohio Court has told a Christian professor he could be fired for refusing to use trans pronouns, upholding the school’s nondiscrimination policy.

Shawnee State University (SSU) professor Nicholas Meriwether filed suit against SSU after the university sided with a student who became hostile when Professor Meriwether said he would not refer to the student by his preferred pronouns.

According to Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), who filed the lawsuit on Meriwether’s behalf, the student — Alena Bruening — to whom the ruling refers only as “Doe,” “became belligerent, circling around him, getting in his face in a threatening fashion, while telling him, ‘Then I guess this means I can call you a c**t.’”

SSU later sided with the student after he filed a formal complaint, and claimed Professor Meriwether created a “hostile” environment in violation of the school’s non-discrimination policy. SSU issued an official warning in June 2018.

ADF noted in its suit that the school violated Meriwether’s First Amendment-protected rights, a charge that was dismissed by the U.S. District Court of Southern District of Ohio.

Meriwether’s chief complaint is that forcing him to refer to each student’s self-identified gender “would require him to violate his conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs,” the suit reads.

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