Harvey Weinstein Ambulance To Rikers Diverts To Hospital For Unknown Reason

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update (19:35 ET): Weinstein’s ambulance was redirected from Rikers Island to Bellvue hospital for an unknown reason, according to his spokesperson Juda Engelmayer. 


Perhaps he was struck with a sudden bout of affluenza?

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Harvey Weinstein was convicted of third degree rape and a criminal sexual act by a New York jury of seven men and five women, who took five days to reach their verdict. He faces up to 25 years in prison, and will remain in custody until his March 11 sentencing.

Weinstein was acquitted of predatory sexual assault, the most serious charge, and first degree rape.

The jury was deadlocked on the charge of predatory sexual assault, the most serious accusation against the disgraced 67-year-old Hollywood mogul, offering a glimpse into disagreements between jurors who had been deliberating in New York City over four days.

Jurors had told Judge James Burke in a note, “We the jury request to understand if we can be hung on 1 and or 3 but unanimous on the others.”

Counts 1 and 3 are charges of predatory sexual assault.

Count 2 is criminal sexual act in the first degree, count 4 is rape in the first degree, and count 5 is rape in the third degree.

Burke told jurors that any verdict that they returned must be unanimous and that if they cannot be unanimous on a specific criminal count then they cannot return a verdict for that count. –CNBC

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Predatory sexual assault requires jurors to agree that Mr. Weinstein carried out more than one sex crime and carries a sentence of up to life in prison.”

Weinstein was charged with one count of criminal sex act for allegedly forcible performing oral sex on former film-production assistant Miriam Haley in 2006, as well as first and third degree rape charges for allegedly forcing himself upon aspiring actress Jessica Mann in a Manhattan hotel room in 2013.


5 thoughts on “Harvey Weinstein Ambulance To Rikers Diverts To Hospital For Unknown Reason

  1. So he can “die” like all the others that have and been seen later after plastic surgery….. but what I find strange is that he has been accused of raping the same women multiple times, how do rape someone multiple times at the office and they still go back? To get the movie part that’s why

  2. Nahh
    He just realized it’s game over for him
    No matter his money
    Panic attack is what this was
    He thought his jew dollar would buy his way out of this
    Hopefully next is a gurney, sick pig

  3. Ah! Another Epstein scenario. It must be a Jewish thing to come up with a sex scandal and then fake your own death. Is it a part of the Illuminati playbook to die and be reborn or something? Is it their way of moving up in the ranks? Bunch of sick psychopaths.

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