prismSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

“The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We must be alert to the … danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”   Continue reading “Twenty TRILLION Phone Calls: “They’ve Been Collecting Data About ALL Domestic Calls Since October 2001″”

Shia LaBeoufThe Blaze – by Liz Klimas

The leaks of previous whistleblowers have been recalled and compared to that of the former government contractor who leaked to the media classified documents of the NSA’s collecting of metadata from phone conversations. But these previous whistleblowers aren’t the only ones who tried to warn of government spying.

Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf in 2008 during an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno detailed how he learned phone calls were allegedly being recorded.   Continue reading “Chilling Flashback: ‘Transformers’ actor tells Jay Leno in 2008 how an FBI consultant showed him proof of gov’t phone spying years ago”

Max Velocity Tactical

Max Velocity Tactical offers tactical self-defense training for citizens concerned about potential societal collapse and ensuing lawlessness. Training is available in combat proven light infantry, close protection and unconventional warfare TTPs; this includes any of the tactics, techniques and procedures covered in the books ‘Contact!‘, ‘Patriot Dawn’ and ‘Rapid Fire!’.

We currently offer open enrollment weekend tactical self-defense training packages and also private group courses tailoring the content, duration and location of the training to suit your needs. Please contact us with your requirements.   Continue reading “Max Velocity Tactical Training Services”


What’s in Edward Snowden’s 41-slide PowerPoint deck that’s so hot that nobody dare publish it?

Now that Snowden has revealed himself to the world as the NSA whistleblower, details about his interaction with the press are surfacing. And at the center of the drama is a still mostly unpublished 41-slide presentation, classified top secret, that Snowden gave to the Washington Post and the Guardian to expose the NSA’s internet spying operation “PRISM.”   Continue reading “What’s in the Rest of the Top-Secret NSA PowerPoint Deck?”


Organic supermarket chain Whole Foods is experiencing a local crisis in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a local leftist organization, ProgressNow New Mexico, is blasting the organization for supposedly prohibiting employees from speaking Spanish. ““Whole Foods Market’s commitment to organic and natural foods has made it a national leader in responsible food choice,” said Progress Now New Mexico. “[B]ut their policies prohibiting employees from speaking their own language or organizing to overturn these anti-diversity policies directly contradict their commitment to ‘team member excellence and happiness.’”   Continue reading “Whole Foods Under Fire for English-Only Policy”

Arabian Money

You need to have some imagination to understand the bull market case for gold and silver. Not very much imagination, a little will do. The bears do tend to be traders rather than economists though we were saddened to see that Nouriel Roubini is about to trash his good name again by joining them (click here).

Perhaps in his case an innately pessimistic nature has just fastened onto the wrong negative. He thinks inflation is beaten and gold is no therefore no longer needed as a hedge. The Fed can print money until the end of time without any meaningful consequences. He will look right, of course, until he is hopelessly wrong.   Continue reading “When the bond markets crash then gold and silver prices will go ballistic”

Richard_falk1The Commentator

America’s ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, called for the resignation of UN rapporteur Richard Falk this Friday.

Falk was recently criticised for attempting to “justify” the Boston bombings and has been noted as a long-standing “anti-Israel” activist and 9/11 “truther” (those who believe 9/11 was an “inside job”).   Continue reading “U.S. wants resignation of “anti-Israel” United Nations representative”

WND – by Gina Loudon

President Obama has said the outrage over the federal government’s decision to monitor citizens’ phone activity is all “hype.”

He might want to share his opinion with the U.S. Air Force, which is ordering members of the service not to look at news stories about it.   Continue reading “Military told not to read Obama-Scandal news”

CBS News

CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.

The Diplomatic Security Service, or the DSS, is the State Department’s security force, charged with protecting the secretary of state and U.S. ambassadors overseas and with investigating any cases of misconduct on the part of the 70,000 State Department employees worldwide.   Continue reading “State Department memo reveals possible cover-ups, halted investigations”

Daily Camera – by Joe Rubino

Boulder residents who intentionally leave their doors open, may unintentionally be inviting a Boulder police officer in for a visit.

Chrissy Smiley learned this fact in surprising fashion on Thursday afternoon when she returned to her south Boulder condo after a 40-minute walk with her dogs to find a card from a Boulder police officer sitting on her dining room table.   Continue reading “Boulder woman disturbed by police policy to enter unsecured residences”

Activist Post – by Stephen Lendman

It shouldn’t surprise. It’s longstanding policy. Post-9/11, it escalated. Previous articles said Big Brother is real. It’s no longer fiction.

Mass surveillance is official US policy. It’s not for national security. It’s not about discovering terror or other threats. None whatever exist. Claiming otherwise doesn’t wash. Big Lies substitute for vital truths.   Continue reading “Mass Surveillance in America”

Activist Post – by Patrick Henningsen

This year’s Bilderberg 2013 meeting has witnessed and extraordinary culture of secrecy surrounding the event’s large security operation, at a time when the public are told that austerity is meant to be the order of the day. But that’s not all..

Police officials are maintaining that the reason for such secrecy in advance of the event, and the extraordinary security measures has all been done in order ‘to combat the threat of terrorism’. Some might feel otherwise – that this hugely expensive exercise has been hidden in order to limit the public’s knowledge and access to the Bilderberg meeting, which in turn has helped interested parties in controlling press coverage, and keeping activists from learning too much, too soon about the secretive event.   Continue reading “Bilderberg PR diversions concealed massive police build-up in advance of event”

Antihezbollah Protester KilledHuffington Post – by SARAH EL DEEB

BEIRUT — Men wielding batons and wearing yellow arm bands evoking Lebanon’s Hezbollah attacked protesters outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut Sunday during a rally against the militant group’s participation in the Syrian civil war. One protester was killed, a senior Lebanese military official and witnesses said.   Continue reading “Anti-Hezbollah Protester Killed In Lebanon”