Whole Foods Under Fire for English-Only Policy


Organic supermarket chain Whole Foods is experiencing a local crisis in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a local leftist organization, ProgressNow New Mexico, is blasting the organization for supposedly prohibiting employees from speaking Spanish. ““Whole Foods Market’s commitment to organic and natural foods has made it a national leader in responsible food choice,” said Progress Now New Mexico. “[B]ut their policies prohibiting employees from speaking their own language or organizing to overturn these anti-diversity policies directly contradict their commitment to ‘team member excellence and happiness.’”  

They’ve filed a petition on MoveOn.org to push the CEOs of Whole Foods to change the alleged policy.

Two employees said last week that they were suspended after complaining about a rule that stops them from chatting in Spanish to one another while on the clock. The store itself claims they were suspended for rudeness.

The policy does state that all English-speaking workers must speak in English to customers and other employees, unless the customer wishes to converse in another language. A spokesman for the company said that the policy allows employees to speak in Spanish if “parties present agree that a different language is their preferred form of communication.”

Gov. Susana Martinez (R-NM) has weighed in, saying Whole Foods should change the policy.


10 thoughts on “Whole Foods Under Fire for English-Only Policy

    1. You are right Cathleen!!! If we want to speak a foreign language then we will go to a foreign country. Untill then people should be speaking English while here in america and if not they should be arrested or stay the F. out

    2. Amen to that, Cath!

      I’m sick of “the press one for English and para espanol el numero dos” bullshit that EVERY company and corporation is forced to dish out to please these ILLEGAL bastards stealing my money, my benefits, my jobs and my life in general. Get the F**K OUT and take your beef and beans shit that comes out of your ass with you!

  1. Pretty soon it will be illegal to speak english in America….or should I call it Amerimexanadakachinastan. I know the plaque on the Statue of Liberty says ” give me your tired, poor, huddled masses etc etc….” but somewhere you gotta taper it off a bit. Thanks to the Khazarian run banks we cant even house or employ the peeps already here.

  2. IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SPEAK ENGLISH, THEN GET THE F**K OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!! Comprende, dumbass?? Learn the language or the get the hell out!

  3. “The policy does state that all English-speaking workers must speak in English to customers and other employees, unless the customer wishes to converse in another language. A spokesman for the company said that the policy allows employees to speak in Spanish if “parties present agree that a different language is their preferred form of communication.”

    I see absolutely NOTHING WRONG with this policy. If you freaking WETBACKS don’t like it, drag your sorry worthless @sses back to where you came from .THIS IS AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY, YOU STUPID @SSWIPES, AND WE AMERICANS ARE SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR COMPLAINING!!!!


  4. hey wetbacks,your in the united states now.english is our language.if you can not learn it,speak it or accept it.take your ass back over the border.i am sure you remember where it is.

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