BlogPhoto_13_by_GEORGE.jpgHenry Makow – by ‘Sonja’, Nov.11 2009

People in the West see Putin and Russia through the rose colored glasses [provided by the mass media.] Well, the reality is not rose colored at all.

After gangsterism and anarchy of Yeltsin’s reign, people wanted “a strong hand”. And here comes Putin. In the first place everybody was suspicious. Within half-year he rose from a little-known bureaucrat to Prime Minister and President. He was appointed by Eltsin himself.   Continue reading “Flashback: Putin’s Russia – Illuminati Controlled & Corrupt”

The Numbers In Your Phone Can Reveal Your Illness, Religion, and Gun PurchasesMotherboard

In his January speech regarding the NSA’s surveillance activities, President Obama called for an end to the controversial metadata collection program “as it currently exists.” Vague as it is, that statement did signal that the administration would attempt to reshape the NSA’s activities for the better.   Continue reading “The Numbers In Your Phone Can Reveal Your Illness, Religion, and Gun Purchases”

WordPressGraham Cluley

If you’re a bad guy wanting to blast a website off the internet, the obvious method is to use a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

DDoS attacks typically use a botnet of computers in a co-ordinated attack, driving web traffic to a particular site. The victim site can’t cope with the barrage, and – unless properly prepared – falls over.   Continue reading “Hackers trick 162,000 unsuspecting WordPress sites into launching DDoS attack”

Klamath Basin Crisis – by LACEY JARRELL, Herald and News 3/12/14


Water user representatives say a proposed agreement can subside upper Basin water conflicts, but some ranchers aren’t buying it.


During a community meeting at the Bly Fire Hall Monday, Andrea Rabe, consultant to the Sprague River Water Resource Foundation and the Fort Klamath Critical Habitat Landowners, and Dani Watson, a representative of the Upper Klamath Water Users Association, met with upper Klamath Basin farmers and ranchers to lay out the nuts and bolts of the recently released Proposed Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement.   Continue reading “Details of Klamath Basin water pact discussed; water, well restrictions with, without a settlement outlined”

healthNatural News – by Mike Adams

When it comes to health and nutrition, it seems like everything old is new again. Many foods or health protocols that used to be commonly enjoyed were later attacked and discredited by industry-funded “scientists” trying to sell toxic substitutes like vegetable oil or aspartame.

But as health awareness has radically increased over the last two decades, many “old” things are new again. In this article, I share my list on many of these “old” things which are suddenly back in vogue.   Continue reading “In health and nutrition, what’s old is suddenly new again”

Spare ChangeThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

You can’t get blood out of a rock.  Traditionally the United States has had a consumer-driven economy, but now years of declining incomes and rising debts are really starting to catch up with us.  In order to have an economy that is dependent on consumer spending, you need to have a large middle class.  Unfortunately, the U.S. middle class is steadily shrinking, and unless that trend is reversed we are going to see massive economic changes in this country.  For example, in poor neighborhoods all over America we are seeing bank branches, car dealerships and retail stores close down at an alarming rate.  If you didn’t know better, you might be tempted to think that “Space Available” was the hottest new retailer in some areas of the nation.    Continue reading “19 Signs That The U.S. Consumer Is Tapped Out”

Gold UkraineHang the Bankers – by Clark Kent

A curious story, and one which should be taken with a mine of salt, has surfaced out of the pro-Russian newspaper Iskra, which reports – so far on an entirely unsubstantiated basis – that last Friday, in a mysterious operation under the cover of night, Ukraine’s gold reserves were promptly loaded on board an unmarked plane, which subsequently took the gold to the US.   Continue reading “Ukraine’s gold reserves sent to NY Federal Reserve”

Pic: Yikrazuul (PD)Disinfo – by Matt Staggs 

This is the first I’ve ever heard of it, but apparently clarithromycin, an antibiotic sold under the brand name Biaxin can cause psychosis, agitation, mania and delirium in about 3% of patients. Maybe Officer Colas has a case.

Via   Continue reading “Cop Who Went on Violent Rampage Said Antibiotic Made Him Psychotic”

randpaulDaily Slave

It is completely insane that there are people in the so-called freedom and patriot movement that support Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.  This is a man who has completely sold his soul to the interests of international Zionism.  If his previous meetings with neo-conservatives and his trip to Israel wasn’t bad enough, his recent opinion piece published in Time Magazine conclusively proves which side he’s on.  Paul says that he is supportive of taking decisive measures against Vladimir Putin’s alleged aggression even though there is no proof that any real Russian invasion of Crimea has taken place.     Continue reading “Rand Paul firmly supports Zionist agenda against Russia”

A woman and a girl look at a Malaysia Airlines plane on the tarmac of Kuala Lumpur International Airport March 13, 2014. REUTERS/Damir SagoljReuters – by GREG TORODE

From high-resolution satellites to advanced warships, China’s military build-up is on full display in the hunt for a missing Malaysian jetliner – putting Asia on notice as to what Beijing might do in the future to further assert its regional presence.

Now in its sixth day, the search for the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers and crew has exposed tensions between Beijing and Kuala Lumpur, with Chinese officials from Premier Li Keqiang on down criticizing Malaysia’s handling of the crisis. China has sent a team of envoys and investigators to Malaysia to deepen its involvement.   Continue reading “A nervous region eyes robust Chinese response to missing Malaysian plane”

Ben Swann -by Michael Lotfi

BOISE, March 13, 2014–  Wednesday night the Idaho state House passed a bill which would effectively nullify future federal gun laws by prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, a firearm accessories or ammunition. The vote was 68-0. It previously passed the state Senate by a vote of 34-0, and will now go to the Governor Otter’s desk for a signature.

Introduced by the State Affairs Committee, the Idaho Federal Firearm, Magazine and Register Ban Enforcement Act, or SB1332, would   Continue reading “Idaho legislators vote on emergency bill to nullify federal gun laws- Awaits Governor’s signature”

PHOTO: How convenient. Wonder if this was all engineered just to get some ships into that area.


Two U.S. officials tell ABC News the U.S. believes that the shutdown of two communication systems happened separately on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. One source said this indicates the plane did not come out of the sky because of a catastrophic failure.   Continue reading “Malaysia Airliner Communications Shut Down Separately: US Officials Say”

Ben Swann – by Annabelle Bamforth 

A marijuana decriminalization bill, sponsored by New Hampshire State Representative Adam Schroadter, passed 215-92 on March 12th. The bill, HB-1625, would make possession of up to one ounce of marijuana a minor violation with a maximum fine of $100. Currently possession of any amount of marijuana in NH is punishable by up to one year in jail and fines of up to $2,000.

This bill differs from the one passed by the NH House in January, in which marijuana would be sold at approved dispensaries with a tax of $30 per ounce. In that bill, residents would also be allowed to grow up to six plants at home.   Continue reading “NH House Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Bill”

russian-military-buildup-2SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

For those who thought that the crisis in the Ukraine is over because it’s been out of the mainstream news for 72 hours, think again.

According to reports, Vladimir Putin has now deployed a massive military force on the Ukraine/Crimea border. Formerly one country, it has now effectively been split in half, spurring condemnation from the United States and Europe.   Continue reading “Escalation: Putin Deploys Invasion Force of 80,000 Troops; Border On Lockdown”

Photo - Secretary of State John Kerry pauses while testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 12, 2014, before the House Appropriations subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Budget hearing. Kerry sais he will travel to London to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday in a last-ditch bid to avert a new crisis over Ukraine. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)Washington Examiner – by SUSAN CRABTREE 

Secretary of State John Kerry warned of serious repercussions for Russia on Monday if last-ditch talks over the weekend to resolve the crisis in Ukraine failed to persuade Moscow to soften its stance.

Kerry will travel to London for a Friday meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ahead of a Sunday referendum vote in the Crimea region to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.   Continue reading “John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine”

Russian Airlines Divert Flights to Bypass UkraineRIA Novosti

MOSCOW, March 13 (RIA Novosti) – Russian airlines, including the country’s flag carrier Aeroflot, have begun changing their flight routes to bypass Ukraine, according to publicly available data.

According to flight information obtained from the Flight Radar 24 air traffic website, an Aeroflot flight to Simferopol on Ukraine’s breakaway Crimean peninsula on Wednesday flew a longer route across Russian territory instead of its usual, more direct route through Ukraine.  Continue reading “Russian Airlines Divert Flights to Bypass Ukraine”

80 percent lower receiverFox 5 San Diego – by 

OCEANSIDE, Calif. – An Oceanside store that sells various gun parts to build a rifle from scratch warded off a federal raid Wednesday.

Dimitrios Karras, owner of Ares Armor, said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents were investigating their business, not for what they sell, but for the people who purchase their products.   Continue reading “Gun store owner halts federal raid”

Reuters / Darren Hauck RT News

An Illinois state appeals court ruled on Monday that misconduct complaints against Chicago police are public record and cannot be kept secret.

The ruling rejected law enforcement’s claim that the complaints were exempt from the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. As a result, files alleging misconduct by Chicago police, as well as files naming police officers who’ve received the most complaints, must be released to the public when requested.   Continue reading “Chicago police misconduct can’t stay secret, judge rules”