Did Trump Trade Wars Just Escalate to Germ Warfare?

The Great Recession

Europeans are feeling like President Trump just dropped a COVID-19 economic bomb on the European Union. In response to his March 11th talk from the Oval Office, EU leaders said they did not see this coming. Was this a COVERT economic attack on the EU as some in the EU think? 

If you break down what President Trump said and did, it smells a bit like economic warfare that has capitalized on the coronavirus outbreak. It was certainly taken that way by American investors who focused entirely on the polcy’s economic impact on European commerce.

The most pungent evidence of EU trade targeting emitted from the president’s sole exclusion of the UK from his 30-day ban on travel between Europe and the United States. The president explained, when questioned as to why he excluded the United Kingdom, that it was because the UK has done a good job of keeping the virus down and because it now has solid borders between it and the EU.

Read the rest here: https://thegreatrecession.info/blog/did-trump-trade-wars-escalate-to-germ-warfare/

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