Donald Trump has a 7-point healthcare plan

McClatchy DC

Donald Trump released a seven-point health care policy paper this week, boasting that his plank would reduce health care costs and dubbing his plan “healthcare reform to make America great again.”

The release comes one day before Thursday’s Republican debate. Trump was needled during last week’s debate, for being vague about his plans to reform health care. The policy paper released Wednesday is Trump’s sixth. In comparison, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has released two dozen.  

Each of the four remaining Republican candidates have pledged to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Here are the details of Trump’s plan.

– Repeal Obamacare. “Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to,” the plan says.

– Repeal the McCarran-Ferguson Act, and allow the sale of insurance across state lines. “By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up,” it says.

– Allow tax payers to fully deduct health insurance premium payments in their tax returns, as businesses can. The plan asks: “Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions?”

– Review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

– Allow all individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and make those contributions tax-free and allow them to accumulate year after year. Make them part of an individual’s estate, able to be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty.

– Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, including clinics and hospitals.

– Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Incentivize the states to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve government resources.

– Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, generic options. “Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service,” the plan says.
Read more here:

14 thoughts on “Donald Trump has a 7-point healthcare plan

  1. When republicans and democrats and the media are against you, you know you are a threat to there status quo agenda.

    1. Expanded torture, expanding police powers, Israel’s best friend, a bigger military, backing FBI’s back door into Apple Iphones, maybe even a threat to us?

      1. Yes. Even if Trump isn’t part of the establishment — a highly questionable assumption — he is obviously a hardcore authoritarian with zero regard for human rights. I can easily see him becoming a brutal dictator if elected. Maybe he won’t impose totalitarianism for the benefit of the oligarchy, but he’ll impose it just the same.

        Not that Hillary is any better as a candidate, but if she wins, at least all the gun-owning “conservatives” will recognize her as the threat she is. Many of those same “conservatives” (and even some libertarians) will be blind to any evils committed by President Trump. They’ll follow him as adoringly as a flock of screaming teenage girls running after NSYNC.

  2. LOL… saw this one earlier (on a different site), didn’t stop to read it then, either.

    Just stopped to say hey, Katie! 🙂

  3. hillary may have released 2 dozen, but everyone knows she’s a liar, a thief, and very dangerous to your health!!

  4. Donald Trump will form 2 lines. One will be inclusive to those with good insurance, and they’ll get milked, the other line, F*c* ’em!

    Those on SSI will be delivered the “standard procedure”, and, if doctors resist, “poof” license to practice “gone.” Doctors, I don’t trust ’em any farther than it would take to strangle one. I fired mine when he was loading a syringe and I hadn’t signed any “informed consent” form. I said “What’s this?” He goes, “Oh, you haven’t been informed?” He walked out, and I was about 10 seconds behind him, out the door.

    1. “…he was loading a syringe and I hadn’t signed any ‘informed consent’ form. I said ‘What’s this?’”

      That. Is. Creepy.

  5. The right answer is to get the government out of the health care and insurance industry completely. The free market should decide on coverage and rates. Yes, it will be rough at first because of greed. After a short while, the most competitive providers will prevail. After that allowing the free market to provide goods and services will make people realize that government is not needed at all. You have a choice. You can either have government control or you can have the free market in control. As for me, I would rather have an uncertain life and my freedom than comfort under bondage.

  6. Trump is a ‘jew’ owned trojan horse.
    He plays to the passions of the people…much
    like palpatine in star wars…and probably nearly as dangerous as
    sith witch hillary.


  7. I’ll repeal… Obamacare….yeah right.
    I think I’ve heard that one before.
    C’mon Mr. D.
    Tell us what we want to hear.
    I think we have a better chance of Ringling Brothers putting up a circus tent on the Whitehouse lawn then this bullsht.

  8. Here’s my one point plan: stay away from all ‘healthcare’ plans put forth by the government uh I mean corporation

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