3 thoughts on “The Lie We Live

  1. No, many of us are not responsible for these atrocities and have fought long and hard to stop them in the first place. The predatory ruling class made sure that no matter how loud we said NO! we were ignored. Don’t lay this blame on me! I had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    1. I don’t think anyone’s laying the blame on you personally, but the fact is that the overwhelming majority of the human race does deserve blame. Most people are herd animals who are willingly led straight to the slaughterhouse.

      1. The road to that slaughterhouse has many forks and side roads that are open to any that choose to use them. For instance once one learns how evil the u.s. government run by racist psychopaths is one then has to choose to either be part of this evil or to not be. It is a choice to not bother to ferret out the likes of this http://www.LostHorizons.com and do ones own research then apply it. When one claims ‘no choice’ what one is saying is ‘I don’t WANT a choice because I am filled with fear and laziness’.

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