Dr David Bell, a former WHO senior medical officer warns that the WHO is no longer operating as originally intended to provide guidance and coordination.

One thought on “Dr David Bell, a former WHO senior medical officer warns that the WHO is no longer operating as originally intended to provide guidance and coordination.

  1. Oh such a good guy: Sayin’ that The WHO is “NOT and organization trying to take over the world. … It’s just a “tool” that is “being used” by those who want to.” Ha! That’s like making the hit-man innocent, you know, he was just workin’ for the boss.

    This doctor might gain a bit more respect had he said something more to the effect of, “The World Health Organization (WHO) is a ruthless arm of the tyranny that is attacking and infecting all of humanity. It exists in full service to the mission laid out in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” which the simplest research reveals as a plan for Global Domination/Totalitarianism, and it means many of us will have to be stepped on, made subservient, or just be eliminated; but the sane and the brave won’t let that happen. Some say these “Protocols” are a false document, yet so very much of what is proposed therein is unfolding today, and in spades.

    Will someone please ring the bell for Dr. Bell? He can’t hear freedom ringing.


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