Ferguson Residents Buying Guns In Bulk Ahead Of Grand Jury Decision

Concealed Nation – by Brandon

Businesses in Ferguson are boarding up their storefronts and residents are purchasing firearms ahead of the grand jury’s decision whether or not to indict the police officer who shot teenager Michael Brown. Many are afraid of what protesters will do if the grand jury’s decision is against their views.

Gun store owners say that sales over the weekend were up drastically. One shop says that on a typical weekend, they’ll have 30 customers. This past weekend; 100. Shooting ranges are also seeing a steep increase in people who want to train with their firearms, which is always a good thing to see happen.  

Dan McMullen, owner of Solo Insurance, says that he’s taken steps to make sure that he stays safe in case protesters have any interest in targeting his business.

“I bring an extra gun now only because it has a bigger magazine,” McMullen says. He began carrying it after tensions increased in the area following the shooting. He says he would never use it to protect his business, but he would use it to save his life.

The majority of firearms sold recently have been home defense shotguns. Many residents have spoken with Mayor James Knowles and told him that they had purchased firearms for protection. The Mayor was sure to speak with police to make sure they are aware of the citizens who are new firearm owners.

The grand jury has until January to make a decision, but the prosecutor’s office says that a decision could be announced in the middle of this month.


2 thoughts on “Ferguson Residents Buying Guns In Bulk Ahead Of Grand Jury Decision

  1. A wise precaution in my opinion, but I’m sure there are those in power who are hoping and planning for a violent reaction to whatever the Grand Juries findings are.

  2. so am I and I dont even live anywhere near Ferguson , oh come to think of it, I was doing this years before this ever happened
    didnt have any thing to do with this either… how odd


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