Governor Perry’s Address to the Deploying National Guardsmen

Notice how Perry in his speech never mentions anything about the National Guard arresting or fighting the invaders coming across the border. All that’s stated is to have them assist the Border Patrol and police and to protect them from the drug cartels. So in other words, assist in babysitting and expediting the processing and transfer of the illegal invaders.

Breitbart – by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas — Texas Governor Rick Perry addressed a small group of about 100 soldiers of the Texas National Guard who are undergoing training at Camp Swift prior to being deployed to the Texas/Mexico Border. Gov. Perry had asked for 1,000 troops to volunteer for the deployment to defend a portion of the Texas border but was happy to announce that 2,200 Guardsmen had volunteered to serve the Lone Star State.  

“Texas put out the call and you have answered. Your mission is clear – to be a visible presence to deter criminal activity – and contribute additional eyes and ears to assist law enforcement and Border Patrol agents along the border,” Gov. Perry said. “At stake, are the lives of innocent people along both sides of the border, and the safety and well-being of communities across the state, and our nation, placed in jeopardy by the criminal activities of transnational gangs and drug cartels.”

During Perry’s visit to Camp Swift he also was able to get a first-hand look at new high-tech surveillance equipment Breitbart Texas reported the troops were being trained to use on the deployment. The LRAS (Long Range Advanced Scout) system form Raytheon will be used by the guard to enhance their abilities to detect border crossings.

Perry announced that because of the large number of volunteers, there would be more frequent rotations during the deployment. Breitbart Texas learned from one of the Guardsmen currently in training that they expect to deploy to the border this coming weekend. Their role will be to provide a deterrent force and to be an observer to report illegal activity to the Department of Public Safety along the border region.

“Washington’s continual neglect of our southern border is letting some very aggressive criminals use that border to penetrate into our state,” said Perry.

Calling the criminal smugglers narco-terrorists the Governor said, “What is at stake are the lives of innocent people on both sides of the border.”

“You now are the tip of the spear protecting Americans from these cartels,” Perry concluded. “As they are able to get past you they could be headed to any city, any neighborhood in this country, spreading their tentacles of crime, of fear.”

Bob Price is a staff writer and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.


One thought on “Governor Perry’s Address to the Deploying National Guardsmen

  1. Who cares? Every lying politician will now use this event to get their name and mug in the news, but none of it matters.

    We either have a Bill of Rights, or we don’t. The government has obviously said “NO” to that question, so it’s up to the American people to settle that matter before we move on to listening to anyone’s BS.

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