Uncover DC – by Michelle Edwards
Important information surrounding the tragic death of 19-year-old vibrant Grace Schara continues to be exposed. As previously reported by UncoverDC, following a manageable bout with COVID-19, Grace, who was unvaccinated and had Down-Syndrome, passed away on Oct. 13, 2021 at St. Elizabeth’s (Ascension) Hospital in Appleton, Wis. The hospital assured Grace’s bereaved family they did all they could to save her life. However, Grace’s father, Scott Schara, and the family believe facts establish “that Grace’s death was predetermined due to her disability the moment she was admitted to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.”
Having experienced first-hand the treatment their beloved Grace endured in a hospital that followed government COVID procedures, the Schara family is convinced that medical professionals—including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and hospitals—deliberately target patients with special needs through a series of protocols that not only produce more income for the hospital but guarantee the death of the patient. In Grace’s case and unbeknownst to her family, a carefully timed DNR had been ordered that sealed her fate.
The Days Leading Up to Grace’s Death
On Oct. 1, after experiencing mild symptoms and testing positive for COVID-19 at home, Grace’s parents followed well-established recommendations to combat COVID, including the use of Ivermectin. Still, after a few days, Grace’s father, Scott Schara, explained that Grace couldn’t maintain her oxygen level above 90, leading them to urgent care and the emergency room.
After being assured he could stay with Grace in her room, Scott stated she was admitted to the hospital, her first full day being Oct. 7. Scott described the day as “very normal” despite Grace’s frustration with the “high flow of air shooting up her nostrils from the cannula.” The next day, Oct. 8, Scott experienced the first real sense of “there’s something going on here” when a doctor informed him that Grace would have to be put on a ventilator.
Scott demanded more information and learned the directive was based on high numbers resulting primarily from Grace’s frustration with the cannula the night before. After retaking the test, Grace’s results were acceptable, and as Scott expected, she did not need a ventilator. Grace had another “normal” day on Oct. 9, ordering food off the hospital menu. Yet, upon receiving Grace’s food, Scott was immediately told she could not eat due to 85% oxygen saturation per a recent reading. Not buying the number, Scott retested Grace with his oxygen saturation meter, which read 95%. Remarkably, the nurse admitted Scott’s reading was accurate, and hers was not, noting “the leads get sweaty,” which can result in a false reading.
The following day, Oct. 10, the head nurse and an armed guard entered Grace’s room and informed Scott he was being ordered to leave the hospital because he had been “shutting off Grace’s alarms at night.” Scott told the nurse he had been shown how to shut them off by other nurses at the hospital so they wouldn’t keep Grace up all night. Still, this fact made no difference, and he was escorted out of the building. On Oct. 11, as soon as the family had approval from the hospital, Grace’s sister Jessica took her father’s place and was in the room with Grace.
Grace and Jessica watched movies, had a face-time call with Jessica’s boys, and enjoyed each other’s company on Oct. 12. The following morning, Oct. 13, hospital doctors called Scott and his wife, telling them “how good of a day Grace had the day before.” Little did they know, this would be their beautiful Grace’s last day.
Oct. 13, 2021: The Day Grace Died
As previously highlighted by UncoverDC, in the four days leading up to Grace’s death, the hospital gave her the Pfizer drug Precedex, a powerful short-term sedative to be used for 24 hours or less, according to the package insert. Early morning on the day of her death, under orders from Dr. Gavin Shokar, nurse Hollee McInnis began “ratcheting up” the administration of Precedex to Grace. Around 9 am, the hospital placed Grace in restraints “for needing to go to the bathroom.”
By 10:48 am, Grace was being given 14 times the dose of Precedex she had initially been given. Schara told UncoverDC that Grace’s doctor’s had recommended the insertion of a feeding tube that morning, and the hospital presumably justified the high dose of Precedex was because of Grace’s reaction to the tube. Still, Scott pointed out that Grace has a PICC line, thus why the need for a feeding tube?

With Precedex at an all-time high amount, at 11:25 am, the hospital gave Grace the Pfizer drug Lorazepam. They proceeded to give her two more doses of Lorazepam at 5:46 pm and 5:49 pm—three minutes apart. Then at 6:15 pm, they gave her a two-milligram IV push of Morphine, also manufactured by Pfizer. Thirty minutes later, at 6:45 pm, the doctor called Scott and his wife to report, “Grace had a good day.” He also declared he had just given Grace Morphine. Not yet aware of the combination of drugs Grace had been given, a stunned Scott asked the doctor why Grace was given Morphine. He replied, “because she was breathing at 51 breaths a minute.”
At 7:20 pm, Jessica called her parents on FaceTime from Grace’s room. At this point, Jessica was panicking as they all three witnessed that Grace’s “numbers are tanking.” Scott and his wife advised Jessica to get the nurses in the room, and she replied, “I’ve already done that; they won’t come in.” At this point, they are desperate and hollering to get the attention of the approximately 30 nurses outside the door going through a shift change. Scott described the frantic scene:
“We were hollering, ‘save our daughter, help her!’” And they hollered back, “She’s DNR [do not resuscutate].” We screamed, “She’s not DNR, save our daughter!” My wife asked, “Are you not helping our little girl because she has Down Syndrome?”
Shockingly, the DNR was entered into the computer for Grace even though the Schara’s never asked for it. At approximately 7:22 pm, Scott revealed that one of the nurses read the DNR note to Jessica from the computer screen, implying there was nothing she could do. Yet, Scott has learned since Grace’s death that DNR law requires the hospital to override a DNR if the patient or power of attorney requests it. A devastated Scott remarked:
“Well of course we requested it [that they override the DNR we didn’t authorize]—this is our daughter. They stood outside [Grace’s] room and it got even worse. They had an armed guard outside the room. So we watched her die on FaceTime.”
New Evidence Supports Claim that Grace’s Death was Intentional
In early June, the Schara’s revealed they had discovered a “smoking gun” they believe proves Grace’s death was an intentional act. In addition to the illegal DNR and the 29-minute medication combination on Oct. 13 that each contributed to killing Grace, the Schara’s recently connected another cause of death directly related to the doctor’s order for Prededex.
Scott reiterated to UncoverDC that the DNR is illegal because a doctor cannot unilaterally take the liberty to initiate such an order. With that understanding, the Schara’s are now aware of the exact time the doctor put in the DNR order—and it is extremely suspicious.
Without question, a recently obtained hospital report reveals that Dr. Gavin Shokar added the DNR order (“no code”) to Grace’s chart 8 minutes after the maximum dosage of Precedex was administered at 10:48 am. Emphasizing the short 8 minutes that changed their lives forever, Scott points out that at 10:56 am, the doctor added the illegal DNR.
If the DNR was suggested, Scott challenges, why didn’t the hospital contact the family’s power of attorney and ask her to sign it? After all, there was a 6½ hour span between the time the DNR was ordered and the time of Grace’s death. Armed with over 600 hours of research since Grace’s death, and aware of this new information, Scott shared:
“Was the DNR put on Grace 8 minutes after the maximum dose of Precedex because they thought she would be taken out then? An attorney who reviewed the timing of the DNR said he believes the doctor thought the Precedex would take Grace out, so he needed the DNR in place to accomplish their goal—which was to kill her.”