HAARP in Action and Its True Purpose

WIKI - HAARPWaking Times – by Christina Sarich

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is not an imagined conspiracy theory. The resounding ‘sonic boom’ and strange flashing lights of a HAARP ‘experiment’ have been observed by countless citizens. So is it just a benign technology designed to enhance the ionosphere, as our government has claimed, or is it up to other abominable tasks?

We are told that HAARP’s powerful antennae are just creating ‘controlled local modifications of the ionosphere’, but there is surely more than that going on. The theories about what HAARP really does abound, and some will make you think long and hard before dismissing them, no matter how far out they seem.  

The facts are that the US military has spent billions on the project, and they constantly downplay its true power. We know for certain HAARP has the ability to do the following things:

1.  Create an effect in the atmosphere as dramatic as that of a thermonuclear bomb that can knock out all radio transmission and other frequencies over a million square miles.

2.  Replace the current method that military submarines communicate with one another, which can work in the deepest waters imaginable.

3.  Provide a better radar system than the current ‘over-the-horizon’ technology being utilized.

4.  Verify where oil, gas deposits, or mineral deposits are in any place on earth, and thereby determine the next ‘place of war’ or country to indebt to the current empire.

5.  Determine if other nations are keeping their promises to abide by the nuclear nonproliferation treaty (they probably aren’t just the same way we aren’t.)

6.  Detect ‘enemy’ planes or even UFOs.

HAARP’s Technology

HAARP was created with the help of physicist Bernard J. Eastlund, and his US patent from the 1980’s titled ‘Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere’ (US #4,686,605).  His patent, however, was based on the work of Nikola Tesla, who suggested that radio frequencies could transmit approximately one cubic watt per centimeter to anywhere in on the planet without wires. Power generated from the ground could be sent into the upper reaches of the earth’s atmosphere for miles away from the planet’s surface.

Conspiracy Theories

Some believe HAARP is simply a way of preventing earthquakes and other disastrous weather, but with the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and worse storms to come, is it really possible HAARPP is simply a ‘bad’ weather preventative? If anything, the US government is playing with Tesla’s greatest work to cause innumerable floods, droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, and tornados.

Others suppose that if the earth is pretty much trashed, and/or if portals or vortexes are created, then negative life-forms could come in and take it over more easily.

Still others believe it is a form of mind-control on a mass scale, also based on Nikola Tesla’s findings that human beings operate on an 8 ohm frequency.

What Happened to The Higher Vibrating Colors?

According to some conspirers, the true purpose of HAARP technologies is to block out certain frequencies of light that we normally observe in the full-spectrum illuminated skies — otherwise known as a rainbow. I myself have noticed two rainbows in the chemtrail-covered skies lately, and there is something wrong with them – they only have the lower three vibrations of light – red, orange, and yellow. While this could simply be the play of the sun in the sky as it sets, and Lord knows in Texas we observe some very interesting sunsets, it seems that the higher vibrational colors are indeed absent. Where are the beautiful blue, green, indigo and violet in my rainbows?

Some are claiming that by removing these color vibrations or frequencies, the government and whomever they are colluding with, are reducing the natural color vibrations that block negative energy or dark entities from playing on our planet.

Furthermore there are over 2700 satellites orbiting the planet right now, and with HAARP technology, according to an informant, these can be used to tune the ‘Alpha and Omega frequencies’ that reach the earth. In essence, this technology can add to the negative frequencies we are being exposed to, or enhance the positive ones.

Whether HAARP is a military candy store, or a cosmic pandora’s box will remain to be seen, but it certainly isn’t a pop-gun aimed in the skies, and certainly much more plausible, is our government’s intent to use it to control the masses somehow. The old tin foil hat jokes might just have been a sincere warning to us all.

About the Author

Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao TzuParamahansa YoganandaRob Brezny,  Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.


9 thoughts on “HAARP in Action and Its True Purpose

  1. With all of man’s infinite wisdom,
    as he attempts to research the areas
    mentioned in the article.
    It’s a given that side affects will happen.
    With all the atmospheric tampering,
    weather alterations would occur.
    Deliberate or not ……
    something is happening.
    Maybe this is why the marxists are so
    stuck on climate change.
    As Haarp is being used, for other reasons,
    they’re using these side affects to sell their
    Climate Change story.
    In order to reap their global tax and control.
    This is from where they get the, “Science Is Settled”

  2. I know you all might think I am crazy but I believe the ” portals or vortexes are created, then negative life-forms could come in and take it over more easily”
    and the theory “among the 8 ohm and weather change”. .
    Many tell me I should get back on my medication, so I did…beer 🙂

  3. For me, much of the article’s credibility disappeared with the 8-ohm human frequency comment. And since frequencies are not measured in ohms, I checked out the reference, and that is bogus in that it says nothing about the “human frequency”.

  4. This is food for thought for all “end-timers” out there…could it be HAARP could be used to rig it so that when Satan and his angels come down (after the 6th trump)…the anti-Christ…posing as Christ…it will do so in order that all except the Elect will see it actually as Christ coming down with His angels? Since HAARP interacts with all those satellites and since TVs and the internet work using them, I could see this as a possibility, since the entire world is supposed to be able to witness this event (as well as Christ actually coming afterwards).

    1. Yep, that’s one of the things I see coming out of the HAARP agenda, too. You aren’t the only one. As soon as they perfect it, I’m sure they will immediately bring that end-time prophecy to play. Beware of a possible false rapture. These Satanic demons are desperate enough to do anything to control this world.

    2. I think you’re confusing Project Bluebeam’s intended use with HAARP’s, DL. However, apparently chemtrails create the best possible condition for projecting holograms in the sky.

      What a coincidence. They’re multi-purpose.

  5. “2. Replace the current method that military submarines communicate with one another, which can work in the deepest waters imaginable.

    3. Provide a better radar system than the current ‘over-the-horizon’ technology being utilized.”

    I’ve read that these two facets are in conjunction with chemtrails.

    “Some believe HAARP is simply a way of preventing earthquakes and other disastrous weather,……..”

    Actually, I’ve never heard that before. Just the opposite, in fact.

    1. “Some believe HAARP is simply a way of preventing earthquakes and other disastrous weather,……..”

      Wow, I can’t believe I missed that part earlier when I read the article. I even checked the link to that statement. It’s to comment from a forum and if the author believes that a few cluster of quakes in one area prevents other earthquakes in other areas, then she’s completely dumb and beyond naive.

      Hell, that would defeat the purpose of getting rid of quakes. It’s like a pharmaceutical cure,

      “We’ll get rid of your problem in one place by adding other problems in another place.”

      Well then, what the hell’s the point? What good is it? Duh!

      Stupid is as stupid does.

      1. What I couldn’t figure out, NC, is after making that statement, why wasn’t the well-known fact that HAARP actually creates earthquakes even discussed?

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