Here’s how you can be forced to get the Covid vaccine in the U.S.


President Joe Biden said in March that the U.S. aims to have 200 million Covid vaccine doses administered during his first 100 days in office. By May, every American adult who wants a vaccine will be eligible to get in line for a shot.

That said, 30% of U.S. adults still don’t want to get the Covid vaccine. But many of them may not have much of a choice.

Both states and cities can mandate vaccines based on their legislative authority, and employers also have the right to require inoculation as a health and safety work rule.


16 thoughts on “Here’s how you can be forced to get the Covid vaccine in the U.S.

    1. It is a biological weapon designed to kill me… bullet right through the f-ker’s mouth that tries to give it to me…

      1. Use a hammer, a chunk of angle iron, a concrete pin, or something else when possible 🙂
        Ammo is hard to come by.

        1. Oh, come on. Can I just shoot one of them in the f-king mouth? You know, to emphasize my objection?
          Nothing says ‘NO!’ like ten feet of brains and bones splattered down the walk way. 🙂

  1. This is more of their fear porn: “If you don’t do this or that, you won’t be able to do that or this.” Scaring people into self-annihilating. Wait’ll they see how fast they run out of slaves, and when the spawns of Spartacus comb over the earth…


  2. this is what I was talking about the other day about being quarantined or curfewed. if everything is closed.. you’re essentially curfewed. if no store will sell to you without vaxx.. you’re S O L. it happened to me 3 times. 1 at a gas station where she literally said.. “I can’t serve you if you ain’t got a mask”. 2 at Ace hardware. I cussed em out. 3 Regions bank. cussed them out too. so there.. no mask no gas no materials to go to work and can’t cash my check if I do work… now what? shoot em?? they wouldn’t even know why and I’d be on TV. as long as the TV and radio says the govt can.. then we’re fukt. period. people aren’t going to find each other and get together fast enough. I’m not putting up with it but I don’t really know what that’s gonna mean in the short term.. lotta stealing i guess. we’ll see!

    1. Direct deposit is what I do, truck stops don’t require masks to fuel, at least at the truck diesel pumps. I’ve been to hundreds of them in the last couple years.

      Ive delivered ACE hardware product to a ACE distribution centers , receiving door said must wear mask, i didn’t and the people behind the desk all had theirs off.

      This shit is spotty at best, I see more and more people across the country with masks off, or down at their neck.

      Banks, airplanes, post offices are analy retarded about friggen masks.

      1. what pissed me off about the Ace is I went to high school with the owner. he passed away a few years back but I been going to the store for 15 years his mom and aunt know me!! I guess it’s another example of women “IN CHARGE!!” of course the bank and the gas station was women too.. coincidence nah.. I’m sure it’s just me!!

  3. I wouldn’t recommend sharing where you’ve done business w/o a make. All it takes is a troll or Nazi to report it and then shit will come down on them and workers scared and will make you the next time.

  4. “Both states and cities can mandate vaccines based on their legislative authority, and employers also have the right to require inoculation as a health and safety work rule.”

    No, no they can’t. Just because you and your fellow communists went into some back room and scribbled some BS on a piece of paper doesn’t give you the power to inject me with your poison.

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