Houston Police Chief Acevedo testifies about gun control to Congress

ABC News 13

Acevedo testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. This was the first Judiciary Committee hearing on gun control in nearly eight years.

Acevedo called gun violence “one of our greatest public health epidemics.” He told lawmakers to stop with the prayers and start passing gun laws.  

“I believe the legislation will save at least one life and if it’s my child who dies, I want him to know and I want God to know that I was here today speaking on that life,” said Acevedo.

Acevedo’s appearance comes a week after four HPD officers were shot and one hurt during a drug raid.

Acevedo said it’s time to strengthen universal background checks, better fund the ATF and give police officers the tools to temporarily remove guns from domestic abusers.


8 thoughts on “Houston Police Chief Acevedo testifies about gun control to Congress

  1. TRAITOR!!! All this B.S. over 2 murdered by COPS who did NOT have heroin in their house. Not letting this crisis go to waste I see. TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wonder what ‘ol governor Gregg is saying about this?

  2. ‘…..give police officers the tools to temporarily remove guns from domestic abusers.’ YOU PIGS ARE THE DOMESTIC ABUSERS!!!

  3. The way these bastards speak is so obviously scripted and premeditated. And as always, with the guise of saving lives. They have no problem taking lives of handcuffed or unarmed victims, no problem busting down doors and invading family homes, no problem raping, stealing from and extorting people and putting many lives in ruin. Let me point out, they have more than what they’re supposed to to commit their crimes. And there are way more unconstitutional laws on guns violating the 2nd amendment in every way. This is not to get anything really but to put that argument in the minds of the masses so that the people will beg for it and turn on those willing to stand ground. Read between those lines. This is way out of hand, and high time these bastards get what they deserve.

  4. Also, what does it matter who testifies about gun control to well fn anybody let alone congress et al., ???

    They have Zero authority, they are naked……clamor all you want about it, in fact make more laws and statutes and codes and then start enforcing them, you monkeys are chomping at the bit to have a “Law” that claims to provide you with the authority to confiscate anybody’s guns at will, ie., these new red flag laws, ….

    No such law can exist…. and you should know this…. the fact that you don’t know this will not stop a massive resistance building against you, the numbers never lie….you have already lost…..yet you will still travel to your doom…..good, good….gooood!

    How many good people will be murdered by you and your kind? that is the only question….

  5. Why is this incompetent totalitarian allowed to go to the Imperial City and speak about anything to anyone? Do us all a favor Arty, resign in disgrace you anti-American traitor!

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