Hundreds of Haitians, Africans wade through Rio Grande, stroll into USA — carrying luggage!

The American Mirror – by Victor Skinner

Groups of hundreds of Africans, Haitians and others from Central and South America continue to trudge across the U.S.- Mexico border in record numbers, despite promises from Mexico to help stop the massive migration.

Footage from the Del Rio Sector of the border in Texas shows scores are making their way in mini-caravans, with many arriving well-dressed in designer clothes, toting luggage and backpacks with their children in tow.

“#USBP Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended 2 large groups of over 100 in 2 days,” CBP South Texas wrote in a video post on Twitter. “Total of 3 large groups this fiscal year.”

Border Patrol agents came across the first of the two most recent groups on June 22, when 105 crossed the Rio Grande River and into the United States.

That group consisted of 82 Haitians, with the rest from South America and Africa.

On Monday, another group nearly twice as big – 205 – waded across, undoubtedly inspired by the success of the first group. The second wave included 122 Haitians, with dozens of others from Africa and South America, according to a statement from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

“Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents have apprehended people from over 45 countries around the world,” Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul Ortiz said. “Our agents, along with the assistance of our DHS partners, continue to meet each new challenge as the ongoing humanitarian crisis evolved.”

And it’s escalating quickly.

Del Rio Sector agents apprehended 164% more unaccompanied children, 1,034% more family units, and 70% more single adults through May than they did last year. It’s the same situation across the entire southwest border, with every single sector witnessing staggering increases compared to 2018, CBP data shows.

Through May fiscal year 2019, agents apprehended 56,278 children (74% more than 2018), 332,981 family units (463% more), and 204,248 single adults (27% more).

Border Patrol agents on the southwest border apprehended 132,887 illegal immigrants in May alone, while the running total for fiscal year 2019 stands at 787,161 through May – roughly the population of Seattle or Denver.

Most are claiming asylum, a legal loophole that leaves Border Patrol agents with few options but to process their claims and release them into the U.S. while they await adjudication, which takes years.

It’s to the point that Border agents don’t even attempt to stop illegal immigrants from breaking the law.

“At the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, several migrants were spotted climbing a fence as Border Patrol agents looked on,” TicToc by Bloomberg posted Thursday.

The video shows three migrants blatantly scaling a very tall fence as at least as many agents waited, patiently watching from the other side.

The American Mirror

6 thoughts on “Hundreds of Haitians, Africans wade through Rio Grande, stroll into USA — carrying luggage!

  1. Right. Try “wading” in the Rio Grande in my neck of the woods. Watch out for mountain lions…you don’t want your “designer clothing” torn to shreds now do you? Bwahahahahahahahahahah!

  2. Look at the Brightside…..

    At least they’re not Chinese.

    And can probably speak better English.

    They just need to start adapting quickly to our culture.

    By wearing their pants around their knees.

    Then after adapting to our American standards.

    They can drop their pants to the ankles…..

    and bend over …..

    Welcome to America…..!!!!!!

  3. Remeber just go vote in a good republican patriotic American president who wants to have a great America and this stuff would stop immediately, he would send everyone of them right back with a swift stroke of his presidential power pen…!!

    Ha ha ha ha ha…!! Long live the Trumpraeli…!!

    Doing the job his zio masters dictate to him..!!

    And to think, these Voters will go vote for him again….ha ha ha…!! Unreal..!!

  4. They can’t even fire a few warning shots in the air to scare them away. Pathetic.

    When are people gonna stop listening to the MSM narrative and take action? This is bullshit.

  5. Humanitarian crisis? What humanitarian crisis? If you call that a humanitarian crisis, then my family coming to this country for a Christmas visit is a humanitarian crisis.

    This ain’t a humanitarian crisis, it’s a friggin invasion, you dumbasses!!!

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