Import The 3rd World, Become The 3rd World “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

4 thoughts on “Import The 3rd World, Become The 3rd World “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

  1. More horrors, every day. Getting worse and worse. We watch and allow them. What will it take to get us up and out? I feel my own inertia like an ever-increasing pounding weight, and I understand Sisyphus had nothing on me.


  2. A couple of years ago illegals entered a barn out here in my neck of the woods and stole and killed and ate a neighbor’s chicken…and I’m sure this has happened to others out here, all of whom liven along a creek on the south east side of the subdivision…that creek is the easiest way to get into the subdivision since it is a part of a larger creek that heads into town…

  3. This will happen more often, now that the unsavory variety of border guests are here – and it won’t be just meat they’re after.

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