Mining for ingredients needed to make electric vehicles (EV) and other technology has environmental (see 1, 2) and humanitarian consequences (see 1, 2). That’s why these ingredients are sometimes referred to as “Conflict Minerals” (see 1, 2, 3, 4). In Nevada, residents continue to fight against a lithium mine being developed in their county.
From The Denver Channel:
A county torn over lithium mining could set the tone as America looks for renewable energy sources
Humboldt County, Nevada is home to one of the largest sources of lithium in the world.
There is an estimated 9 square miles worth of lithium in Thacker Pass, and there are plans to mine it.
An ancient underground volcano left behind the mineral that is a major piece of renewable energy future.
“One percent of the lithium in the world gets produced by the United States, so this mine right here will produce about 25% of America’s use of lithium projected out over the next 30 years,” said Dave Mendiola, who is the county manager in Humboldt County.
A little over a year ago, the area was given the federal green light to build the open-pit mine. Currently, there is only one lithium mine in America.
Mendiola said the project will bring hundreds of jobs to the area. The country is already planning development projects to provide new homes to the people coming in.
“There’ll be a lot of job opportunities, both at the mine itself and then in a lot of those ancillary businesses,” he said.
However, current lawsuits and appeals by a diverse group of people, including Indigenous tribes, ranchers and environmental groups, are holding up progress for the mine’s development. According to John Hader, executive director of Great Basin Resource Watch, that’s a good thing.
Classic NIMBYism. It’s all fine if the destruction that mining causes is on another continent, but not HERE! Just like it’s all fine if eagles and other raptors are getting killed by the hundreds by windmills. And although my EV still produces a LOT of air pollution, since it’s located somewhere away from me, at the electric power plant, it’s all good. Honestly, EVs are far more polluting to make and equally polluting to drive, than gasoline and diesel engine powered vehicles. But the libtards are too stupid to get that.
Lithium mine in Nevada and a Corn processing plant in Utah for China. Wonder is the lithium plant is also being built by the Chinese?