It begins: New NYC schools chancellor will push ‘progressive agenda’

It begins: New NYC schools chancellor will push ‘progressive agenda’The DC Caller – by Robby Soave

Now that New York City Mayor and far-left Democrat Bill de Blasio has chosen Carmen Farina to become chancellor of NYC schools, city residents can expect a sharp turn to the left on education policy.

Farina, a former teacher and long-time adviser to de Blasio, shares the mayor’s desire to foist a “progressive agenda” upon NYC schools, she said at a news conference earlier this week.  

“This progressive agenda actually says we know there are things that need to happen, but they need to happen with people, not to people,” she said.

That means liberal education goals — including an expansion of taxpayer-funded pre-K and elimination of merit-based pay for teachers — will definitely be a top priority for the new administration.

Farina taught in a Brooklyn elementary school for over 20 years, eventually becoming a principal. She became known as a supporter for supplemental after-school programs and universal pre-K as she transitioned to more prestigious jobs in the city education administration. She retired in 2006, and is now 70 years old.

The daughter of Spanish immigrants, Farina felt “invisible” when she attended school as a child, according to Fox News Latino. Promoting racial integration of New York schools continues to be a top priority of both Farina and de Blasio.

Both take a more skeptical view of charter schools, school choice and standardized testing than former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Republican who became an independent during his terms in office. In fact, Farina personally battled a charter school that attempted to move into her neighborhood in 2011.

School reform advocates are already worried that Farina and de Blasio are likely to roll back some of the institutional and financial support that Bloomberg provided to the city’s charter school movement. Modifying the city’s lease agreements with charter schools could force them to pay thousands more dollars per student.

It’s less clear how Farina will proceed on Common Core, the national curriculum guidelines currently being implemented all over the country. Like many moderate chief executives, Bloomberg supported the standards. Rank-and-file teachers union members — as well as many conservatives — remain deeply skeptical of Common Core and its required testing, however. 

Farina supports the curriculum component of Common Core, but may opt to modify the standardized testing it requires in order to make things more palatable to evaluation-conscious teachers. If that happens, NYC liberals might just get every education-related thing they could ever want.

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4 thoughts on “It begins: New NYC schools chancellor will push ‘progressive agenda’

  1. Of course it begins in Jew York, and it’s worth noting where all the gun control efforts are beginning too.

    Colorado, Connecticut, and of course, NYC, which happens to be the birthplace of gun control.

    It’s no coincidence — it’s where they’re likely to get the most support, and the least resistance. They’ll branch out from there to other states once they get their foot in the door.

  2. NYC what a joke. First they elect DeBlasio a left wing kook who married inter-racially just because it fit his political agenda and to top it off the black chick he married is a lesbian. I’d like to be a fly on the wall at their swinger parties. Then the mayor elects this Dominatrix dyke to set policy to teach our kids. The entire story plays like some bad B rated film. I’m just glad I have no kids going to school in that town.

  3. My Fellow Patriots:

    Is it just me?,.. or does this new chancellor (…wasn’t Hitler called,.. “Chancellor”), Carmen Farina, have “Commie-Douchbag Son-Of-Bitch Treasonous Filth”, written all over her??

    Just look at her picture,.. and you tell me.

    JD – US Marines – The commies are making their move everywhere in every venue now people,.. either we fight,.. or they win.

  4. Is it me or does the chancellor in that picture look retarded? Just look at her. “I’m too stupid. Can you say that again?” Too much fluoride, bitch? She looks like Steve Urkel, “Did I do that?”.

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