Joe Biden impeachment inquiry to show evidence of bribery, influence peddling: House Oversight

By Ari Hoffman – The Post Millennial

Joe Biden impeachment inquiry to show evidence of bribery, influence peddling: House Oversight

The the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees outlined the scope of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden Biden in a 30-page memo. The document was sent to all committee members late Wednesday evening.

The committees will investigate if Biden “…abused his federal office to enrich his family and conceal his and/or his family’s misconduct,” according to the memo.

The allegations are focused on Biden’s son, Hunter, and his foreign business dealings as well as “President Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s foreign business entanglements,” and “…steps taken by the Biden Administration to slow, hamper, or otherwise impede the criminal investigation of the President’s son, Robert Hunter Biden, which involves funds received by the Biden family from foreign sources.”

According to the detailed memo which cited evidence and witness testimony, “The Committees have uncovered significant new information that raises serious concerns as to whether the President has abused his federal office to enrich his family and conceal his and/or his family’s misconduct.”

The document alleged that “The Biden family and their business associates received over $24 million from foreign sources over the course of approximately five years” and that “President Biden was personally involved in his family’s foreign business dealings, and those business arrangements intersected with his official duties.”

Additionally, the chairmen alleged that “The President has not been truthful about his family’s foreign business entanglements.”

“The Committees have also uncovered substantial information, including through whistleblowers, indicating that the Biden Administration has obstructed the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. This information includes evidence that Department of Justice personnel blocked avenues of inquiry that could have led to evidence incriminating President Biden and impeded efforts to prosecute Hunter Biden for tax crimes relating to foreign business arrangements that could have implicated President Biden.”

The chairmen continued, “The purpose of this inquiry — and at this stage, it is just that, an inquiry — is to determine whether sufficient grounds exist for the Committees to draft articles of impeachment against President Biden for consideration by the full House.”

The impeachment inquiry “will span the time of Joe Biden’s Vice Presidency to the present, including his time out of office.”

According to the chairmen, “The decision to begin this inquiry does not mean that the Committees have reached a conclusion on this question.”

The House Oversight Committee is scheduled to hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing on Thursday. Testimony will be heard from forensic accountant Bruce Dubinsky, former assistant attorney general for the Department of Justice Tax Division Eileen O’Connor, professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School and Michael J. Gerhardt, a law professor at the University of North Carolina.

Earlier this month, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) instructed House committees to launch an impeachment inquiry into Biden after House Oversight Committee Chairman Jim Comer alleged that communications records, financial records, and interviews show Biden “…allowed his family to sell him as ‘the brand’ around the world to enrich the Biden family.”

Impeachment Inquiry Scoping… by Libby Emmons

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