King of Jordan threatens confrontation with Israel over annexation

Jerusalem Post

If Israel fulfills its promise to annex the Jordan Valley, it will lead to a “massive” confrontation with Jordan, King Abdullah II said in an interview with German newspaper Der Spiegel.

“Leaders who believe in a single-state solution don’t understand what that means,” the king said in reference to US President Donald Trump’s Deal of the Century. “What if the Palestinian Authority collapses? There will be even more chaos and extremism in the area.”

When asked if annexation will lead to the cessation of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty, Abdullah said he doesn’t “want to make threats and create an atmosphere of controversy, but we’re considering every option.”

On support of Trump‘s deal by Arab countries, he said: “In the Arab League, the one-state solution is still completely rejected. When the one-state plan was published six or seven months ago, his highness, the King of Saudi Arabia, said, ‘no, we are with the Palestinians.'”

One thought on “King of Jordan threatens confrontation with Israel over annexation

  1. So the King of Jordan thinks the (Donmeh) King of Saudi Arabia is “with the Palestinians”? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Dream on, Abdullah…oh, and BTW, you do know that Benny the Yahoo and Kushner in their “Deal of the Century” want to take away your trusteeship of the Holy Sites such as Al Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcre and give those rights to MBS…. And do you really think the Arab League will be on your side when the US can bribe the hell outta them (or sanction them, whichever comes first) or Israel can nuke them? But keep on dreaming…. The old “Nile to Euphrates” “will of God” to the “Chosen People” thing…

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