Ultra-wealthy purchasing bunkers with underground shooting ranges amid coronavirus meltdown fears

Fox News

The super-rich are escaping the coronavirus by isolating themselves in lavish, multimillion-dollar doomsday bunkers that rival luxury hotel suites as the pandemic continues to spread and many continue to ponder what it may bring in its wake.

“People are buying not specifically for the coronvairus, people are buying the shelters for what the coronavirus can bring,” Gary Lynch of the Texas-based Rising S Company, which makes luxury bunkers, told The Sun. “So what my clients want to do is go hide underground then they don’t have to worry about what is going on outside as they are safe and secure inside their shelter.”

Lynch described a scenario in which social unrest in the United States could result in a massive rise in crime in the event of an economic collapse.

The lavish bunkers coveted by those can afford them feature all the comforts of high living, from gyms, spas, gardens and safe rooms with several years worth of food to shooting ranges, home theaters and state-of-the-art air filters that can supposedly remove nuclear dust.

See the pics and read the rest here: https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/ultra-wealthy-purchasing-bunkers-with-underground-shooting-ranges-amid-coronavirus-meltdown-fears

6 thoughts on “Ultra-wealthy purchasing bunkers with underground shooting ranges amid coronavirus meltdown fears

  1. Read somewhere in the Book of Revelation about rocks and mountains falling on underground hiding places….oh, and Bob Marley said it well: “There is no hiding place from the Father of Creation.” (from the song “One Love/People Get Ready”)

  2. As a builder I have contemplated getting into this type of work… “Hey boss here’s the very deep hole we’re putting your bunker in. Do you have my payment for the next phase ? Good ! Don’t get to close to the hole… oops.

    Armed security from mansion to yacht or bunker is another idea, good way to get a nice boat !


  3. If these developers are smart, they will build in backdoors to these bunkers so we can root them out like the traitorous rats they are.

    1. I would think a dump truck full of cement on each entry/exit and a nice hardy piss in the air intake every time somebody walked by would be justice.

  4. When I saw the ultra lavish pics at the source page I realized just how much they see themselves as worth saving, even while the rest of us perish. Not that we will, ’cause the fight is on.

    One day I might just have a swimming pool in MY basement.


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