Man Sues After Being Arrested For ‘Stealing Parking Space’ From Cop

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Is anything that corrupt cops get away with surprising any more?

Another story out of Florida comes to us, telling of an off-duty police officer abusing his power by arresting a citizen who he claimed “stole” his parking spot.

Now to be sure, stealing parking spots is not cool. But Clausel Pierre says that he pulled into a parking space at a Deerfield Beach shoe store back in January 2011 and never saw a BSO off-duty officer waiting to pull in.  

An altercation with that off-duty officer quickly ensued after Pierre says he refused to give up the spot when confronted.

Last month all of this turned into a lawsuit, as Pierre filed a wrongful arrest suit, claiming that the officer caused him physical pain and caused him a litany of legal headaches just to clear his name from the arrest.

The arrest came after Detective Frank Maio allegedly tried to park his vehicle in a spot commonly reserved for the 888 Shoe. He did off-duty security work there. But when Pierre pulled his SUV into what Detective Maio claimed was “his spot”, things quickly turned ugly.

Detective Maio “ordered” him to move, “in the name of the law,” so to speak, but Pierre told him to take a hike. He said there was no reason to move and that it was not designated as a reserved parking space. That’s when Maio placed Pierre under arrest, according to his attorney, Christopher Brown, as reported by The Broward-Palm Beach New Times.

“There was no underlying charge for the arrest,” Brown said. “The spot was open to the public. It’s a typical thing: Two people see a spot; two people go for it. But in this case, one of those people was a police officer with the power to arrest.”

Eventually the charges were thrown out, but that didn’t change the fat that Pierre went to great expense to clear his name.

“The judge threw them out after it was revealed that the officer had too many conflicting statements of the account,” Brown explained.

Even though the charges were dropped, the Police Department and the detective never even so much as apologized for the illegal arrest. Now, Pierre is suing for damages.

Man Says Off-Duty BSO Cop Arrested Him for Taking a Parking Space

Pierre says that he is owed money for all of the the time, as well as pain, and financial burden the arrest and resulting efforts to clear his name cost him. Do you agree?

4 thoughts on “Man Sues After Being Arrested For ‘Stealing Parking Space’ From Cop

  1. What is even better in America is that the police are allowed to come out and park on private property, block driveways. And when told that is a no no and to move threaten you, do property damage, and cary on thowing a armed and dangerious baby fit for years. Make your life H@ll on site and the High sheriff come out and tell you he see’s no wrong in his officers acting this way and laugh in your face over there misconduct. Such is the pride of the American police. Former resident of Sang. Co. IL. And they can not figure out why people are starting to riot in America as well. Police problem is my openion. There is the problem the police see no wrong in any thing they do today because theyknow there will be no complaints filed as they don’t take those. And all is always well in the good buddy for them.

  2. “Pierre says that he is owed money for all of the the time, as well as pain, and financial burden the arrest and resulting efforts to clear his name cost him. Do you agree?”


    But it won’t change anything (other than his circumstances).

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