Mike Johnson Pushes Debunked Lie That Israeli Babies Were ‘Cooked in Ovens’ On October 7

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday at Columbia University repeated the long-debunked atrocity propaganda lie that Israeli babies were “cooked in ovens” by Hamas on October 7th.

“Israeli women and children were savagely raped and murdered and infants were cooked in ovens,” Johnson claimed.


This lie was put out by United Hatzalah President Eli Beer on Oct 28 and was debunked within two days by Israeli journalists.

Johnson not only repeated this long-debunked lie but somehow turned it into multiple babies being baked in some sort of Hamas baby rotisserie.

The claim Johnson repeated that Hamas committed “mass rape” has also been completely debunked.

During the same speaking event, Rep. Mike Lawler repeated the atrocity propaganda lie that Hamas “beheaded” babies.

What does it say about the ground these AIPAC-funded clowns are standing on that they have to spread atrocity propaganda lies to justify Israel’s genocide?

Where were these clowns when BLM were burning down our cities during the Summer of Floyd in the name of fighting “white supremacy”?

Did anyone in the GOP give a speech defending white people from that blood libel?

Of course not. Mike Johnson responded to the BLM riots by crying about how “white privilege” is real and lamenting how George Floyd was “objectively” murdered.

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